Retailing Management
Retailing is a high-tech, global, growth industry that plays a vital economic role in society. The authors' objective in preparing the eighth edition is to stimulate student interest in ret...
Retailing is a high-tech, global, growth industry that plays a vital economic role in society. The authors' objective in preparing the eighth edition is to stimulate student interest in ret...
"This is hands-down the best book I’ve read by a former Scientologist. If you’ve had any interest in the wacky world of Scientology or if you have anyone in your life who struggles with ...
Managing people is difficult wherever you work. But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the learning curve can be brutal—especially when there are few tools, t...
This is a user-friendly guide to the art and science of management from Andrew S. Grove, the president of America's leading manufacturer of computer chips. Groves recommendations are equall...
Congratulations, you're a manager! After you pop the champagne, accept the shiny new title, and step into this thrilling next chapter of your career, the truth descends like a fog: you don&...
如何运用精益创业的理念与方法实现基业长青? 如果说“精益创业”是一种产品原则,精益创业2.0就是一种管理策略。“精益创业”可以帮助企业精益求精、完善产品,却无法引导企业发现新的市场需求;“精益创业2.0”是对精益创业的一次升级,解决的就是精益创业遗留的痛点,是一张切实可用的转型路线图,从财务、法务、人力资源等不同方面为现代企业规划可复制的企业架构,积聚永续发展的能量。
在《卓有成效的管理者》中,德鲁克告诉我们:管理者的成效往往是决定组织工作成效的最关键因素;并不是只有高级管理人员才是管理者,所有负责行动和决策而又有助于提高机构工作效能的人,都应该像管理者一样工作和思考。 一群平凡人,能做出不平凡的事业吗? 《卓有成效的管理者》告诉我们,这是完全可以做到的,只要我们组织中的每一个人都能做到卓有成效。 卓有成效...
书名:人人文化: 锐意发展型组织DDO 作者:兼哈佛大学教授接触的机会,要是…(展开)11回应收起>更多书评3篇论坛······恶心来自今 […]
The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds...