The End of Love
Western culture has endlessly represented the ways in which love miraculously erupts in people's lives, the mythical moment in which one knows someone is destined for us; the feverish waiti...
Western culture has endlessly represented the ways in which love miraculously erupts in people's lives, the mythical moment in which one knows someone is destined for us; the feverish waiti...
Drawing on his own expertise in the humanities and on the Web, Steven Johnson not only demonstrates how interfaces - those buttons, graphics, and words on the computer screen through which we co...
This book analyzes a new trend in Chinese cyber-nationalism by studying the incident of “Diba expedition” in 2016. Written by communica tion scholars from the U.S. and China, the eight chapters ...
Humans did not discover fire--they designed it. Design is not defined by software programs, blueprints, or font choice. When we create new things--technologies, organizations, processes, systems...
Where does great culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing? In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s...
Named by The Washington Post as one of the 11 Leadership Books to Read in 2018 When it comes to recruiting, motivating, and creating great teams, Patty McCord says most companies have it all wro...
Social media has come to deeply penetrate our lives: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and many other platforms define many of our daily habits of communication and creative production. The Culture of ...
Recommended Reading by Warren Buffet in his March 2013 Letter to Shareholders How speculation has come to dominate investment--a hard-hitting look from the creator of the first index fund. Over ...
《当代维京文化》是一本既有美国—瑞典跨文化参考的实用价值,又不失学术严谨的有关瑞典的文化读本。作者引用了大量的文化人类学研究文献,并从瑞典自海盗时代到当今福利王国千年的历史人文开始,广涉瑞典人的日常生活、族群心理和价值观。 全书共分十二章,从瑞典的千年史开始,通过对“人民之家”瑞典模式的剖析、对瑞典文化的“4个S”之刻板印象的纠正、对瑞典国家浪漫主义的铺陈,再到瑞典的团队精神与个...
书名:The Culture MapBreakingThroughtheInvisibleBoundariesofGlobalBusiness 作者:ErinMeyer 译者: ISBN:9781610392501 出版社:PublicAf […]