The End of Love

书名:The End of LoveASociologyofNegativeRelations
豆瓣评分: 8.8


Western culture has endlessly represented the ways in which love miraculously erupts in people's lives, the mythical moment in which one knows someone is destined for us; the feverish waiting for a phone call or an email, the thrill that runs our spine at the mere thought of him or her. Yet, a culture that has so much to say about love is virtually silent on the no less mysterious moments when we avoid falling in love, where we fall out of love, when the one who kept us awake at night now leaves us indifferent, or when we hurry away from those who excited us a few months or even a few hours before. In The End of Love, Eva Illouz documents the multifarious ways in which relationships end. She argues that if modern love was once marked by the freedom to enter sexual and emotional bonds according to one's will and choice, contemporary love has now become characterized by practices of non-choice, the freedom to withdraw from relationships. Illouz dubs this process by which relationships fade, evaporate, dissolve, and break down "unloving." While sociology has classically focused on the formation of social bonds, The End of Love makes a powerful case for studying why and how social bonds collapse and dissolve. Particularly striking is the role that capitalism plays in practices of non-choice and "unloving." The unmaking of social bonds, she argues, is connected to contemporary capitalism that is characterized by practices of non-commitment and non-choice, practices that enable the quick withdrawal from a transaction and the quick realignment of prices and the breaking of loyalties. Unloving and non-choice have in turn a profound impact on society and economics as they explain why people may be having fewer children, increasingly living alone, and having less sex. The End of Love presents a profound and original analysis of the effects of capitalism and consumer culture on personal relationships and of what the dissolution of personal relationships means for capitalism.


Eva Illouz is Directrice d'Etudes at the EHESS in Paris and Rose Isaac Chair of Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her previous books include Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation, Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism, and Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism.


@ Dussardier 最喜欢看的是第五章,对ghosting分析得淋漓尽致,毕竟24.2%的female都ghosted by someone(被人鬼过). 由cold intimacies到why love hurts中的commitment-phobia 再到这里的non-choice&negative relationships,这一路分析下来简直了。最难的还是处理autonomy和attachment,freedom和uncertainty的关系。断断续续读了将近一月,是例子有意思有时代感写得又飒的论著。结论中对incels的分析也很有道理。开始有点担心,简体中文版估计得删减好几页吧(⋈◍>◡<◍) @ 栉海 看的是繁體版的,很不錯的一本書。作者研究了親密關係的陰暗方面,這本書與《愛為什麼痛》有些類似的觀點,比如性的歷史發展,性自由的現狀,還有資本主義與性動物結合。作為一名處於消極關係的女性,我認為這本書給了我很大啟發。我們以合意,個人偏好和消費品味為標準對關係最出評價和選擇,而性與資本資本主義的結合,使得性與情感、婚姻變成獨立的三個方面,我們處於深深的不確定性中。吉登斯說人的本質就是在追求確定性,但是而今的我們卻不知道我們想要的到底是什麼,只能通過不想要什麼刪去一個個選項,投身到無盡的追求中去。


1. Introduction: Unloving and the Sociology of Negative Choice
2. Premodern Courtship, Social Certainty, and the Rise of Negative Relationships
3. Confusing Sex
4. The Rise of Ontological Uncertainty
5. A Freedom with Many Limits
6. Divorce as a Negative Relationship
Conclusion: Negative Relations and the Butterfly Politics of Sex
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  • 在当下这个到处都可以自由移动、自由退出的社会中,想要永久地被需要,想要投身于某种社会结构,确实成了人们的一种渴望。在这样的社会里,知道如何利用不确定性的经营者,十分清楚哪些无法被简化为衡量指标,因而不能被提前预知。只有这样的经营者才是能利用市场并从中谋得利益的人。在经济生活中,面临不确定性的风险承担者更有可能成为赢家。而在浪漫生活中取得成功的自我经营者,要么是那些很少面对不确定性的人(因为他们有丰厚的社会资产和经济资产),要么是那些知道如何克服对损失和不确定性的厌憎的人。
    —— 引自章节:信任与不确定性
  • 這裡總結一下:女性身體的吸引力和性是可代換的商品。女性身體耗用各式各樣大量的消費品,用以改善和塑造容貌體態,而這樣的容貌體態又被「投資」在多個市場上,用以產生資本。這種市場中的金流是靠象徵性的經濟來維持的,而這種經濟可使性和性魅力成為「女人味」的一種屬性,令其成為一種生產出來以供觀賞的真實商品。
    —— 引自章节:產出象徵的與經濟的價值
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