
豆瓣评分: 8.2


Named by The Washington Post as one of the 11 Leadership Books to Read in 2018 When it comes to recruiting, motivating, and creating great teams, Patty McCord says most companies have it all wrong. McCord helped create the unique and high-performing culture at Netflix, where she was chief talent officer. In her new book, Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility, she shares what she learned there and elsewhere in Silicon Valley. McCord advocates practicing radical honesty in the workplace, saying good-bye to employees who don't fit the company's emerging needs, and motivating with challenging work, not promises, perks, and bonus plans. McCord argues that the old standbys of corporate HR–annual performance reviews, retention plans, employee empowerment and engagement programs–often end up being a colossal waste of time and resources. Her road-tested advice, offered with humor and irreverence, provides readers a different path for creating a culture of high performance and profitability. Powerful will change how you think about work and the way a business should be run.


Patty McCord served as chief talent officer of Netflix for fourteen years and helped create the Netflix Culture Deck. Since it was first posted on the web, the Culture Deck has been viewed more than 15 million times, and Sheryl Sandberg has said that it "may be the most important document ever to come out of Silicon Valley." Patty participated in IPOs at Netflix and, before that, Pure Atria Software. A veteran of Sun Microsystems, Borland, and Seagate Technologies, she has also worked with small start-ups. Her background includes staffing, diversity, communications, and international human resources positions.

Currently, Patty coaches and advises a small group of companies and entrepreneurs on culture and leadership. She also speaks to groups and teams around the world.


@ 拉赫玛尼诺妇 culture isn't what you say, but what you do. 国内公司就算了吧,只能比比谁的企业文化更恶心。。所以没看完,越看越伤心💔徒增烦恼 @ Semi-zheng We're sport team for wining, not family members for happy. @ 凱達格蘭大道 管理類的書能寫好挺不容易。這本書有很好的管理理念,本人的確受益匪淺,但作者文字功底一般,扣一星。 @ wangluart 推荐这本书。一,在同类型书籍中属废话少的,观点简洁,几乎不重复。二,我曾经认定,只有人人挤破脑门去服务的顶级公司这些HR的观点才有效。直到我也遇见了一些顶级或有相当潜力的人才并与之愉快的共事,我开始检讨自己的浅薄,并在阅读的过程中频频点头。 @ 肉丝在哪里 "Responsible people, thrive on freedom, and are worthy of freedom" @ 只在无聊时阅读 比一般的企业管理类书籍稍微实用一些,但是并没有传言的那么神奇吧 @ Jessie 挺好的一本书,人们本来就有能,我们只是需要让ta们释放出来;把员工当成年人看;绝对的诚实,沟通,你不会在这个人面前说的话也永远不要说给第三个人听。 可惜很多企业都做不到并且处于自嗨的状态无法自拔


  • 人们最希望从工作中得到的东西,是加入到让他们信任和钦佩的同事团队中,大家一起专注于完成一项伟大的任务,所以如果企业能够为员工提供这样的机会,那么他们就会更愿意加入到企业中来。
    —— 引自章节:推荐序一 文化,奈飞成功的原动力 / 毛大庆 优客工场和优享
  • 管理并不是要在员工忠诚度、人员稳定和职业发展方面做工作,同时实施相关项目来提升员工的敬业度和幸福感。这里面没有一项是管理应该做的工作。我的一个极端主张是,管理者的本职工作是建立伟大的团队,按时完成那些让人觉得不可思议的工作。只有这一项工作是管理应该做的。
    —— 引自章节:前言 自由与责任,奈飞文化的核心
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