安东尼•霍洛维茨,蜚声世界的著名侦探小说大师、有史以来唯一被柯南•道尔产权会认证的续写福尔摩斯之人。 亚马逊,NPR, 《华盛顿邮报》, Esquire, 年度最佳。 史无前例,横扫日本五大推理榜单,均以绝对优势荣登NO.1宝座。 这本推理了不起 海外榜NO.1 周刊 文春推理BEST10 NO.1 这本推理好想读! NO.1 本格推理BEST10 ...
安东尼•霍洛维茨,蜚声世界的著名侦探小说大师、有史以来唯一被柯南•道尔产权会认证的续写福尔摩斯之人。 亚马逊,NPR, 《华盛顿邮报》, Esquire, 年度最佳。 史无前例,横扫日本五大推理榜单,均以绝对优势荣登NO.1宝座。 这本推理了不起 海外榜NO.1 周刊 文春推理BEST10 NO.1 这本推理好想读! NO.1 本格推理BEST10 ...
Let's admit it: Things will go wrong online. No matter how carefully you design a site, no matter how much testing you do, customers still encounter problems. So how do you handle these ine...
Our love affair with the digital interface is out of control. We’ve embraced it in the boardroom, the bedroom, and the bathroom. Screens have taken over our lives. Most people spend over ...
在线阅读本书 The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing is a slightly irreverent, straightforward guide to investing for everyone. The book offers sound, practical advice, no matter what your age or ...
A supremely usable nuts-and-bolts guide for beginners A daily tool of the trade for specialists Handbook of Usability Testing gives you practical, step-by-step guidelines in plain English. Writt...
In the past three decades, China has risen from near collapse to a powerhouse -- upending nearly every convention on the world stage, whether policy or business. China is now the globe’s second ...
When facing life’s questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Fer...