Origin Story

书名:Origin StoryABigHistoryofEverything
豆瓣评分: 8.0


Review "I have long been a fan of David Christian. In Origin Story, he elegantly weaves evidence and insights from many scientific and historical disciplines into a single, accessible historical narrative." ―Bill Gates "In Origin Story, David Christian has found a spectacular way to use history to put order in the entire set of our knowledge about the world. This is a wonderful achievement." ―Carlo Rovelli, author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics and The Order of Time "A remarkable book that puts us self-important humans in our proper place in the cosmos, yet also explains why the story of human culture and knowledge — what Christian calls collective learning — matters for understanding our present world and shaping its future."―Merry Wiesner-Hanks, President of the World History Association "David Christian is not one for half measures. Origin Story is a majestic distillation of our current understanding of the birth and development of the universe, of the solar system, of the oceans, of mountains and minerals, of all life on earth and of the driving dynamics of human culture and achievement. All of this in just over 300 pages of captivating prose that weaves together innumerable insights from dozens of disciplines in the sciences, arts and humanities. With fascinating ideas on every page and the page turning energy of a good thriller, this is a landmark work that comes at a time when it has never been more important for humanity as a whole to have a clearer, more informed understanding of our place on earth and of the earth's place in the cosmos."―Sir Ken Robinson, author of The Element


David Christian is a Distinguished Professor of History at Macquarie University and director of Macquarie University's Big History Institute. He cofounded the Big History Project with Bill Gates, his Coursera MOOCs are popular around the world, and he is cocreator of the Macquarie University Big History School. He has delivered keynotes at conferences around the world, including the Davos World Economic Forum, and his TED Talk has been viewed more than seven million times. He is the author of numerous books and articles.


@ W To do anything requires energy. To specify what is done requires information. @ Clay 整本书算是对目前对宇宙和人类历史知识的一个较好的汇总,但是新知识的含量不足。 @ 逆铭睡眼惺忪地 内容大都在其他地方见到过。比较有意思的是作者把自然历史和生物乃至人类历史都放在能量与熵的框架里考虑 @ xusparrow 中规中矩,如果了解大历史的话就没有耳目一新的感觉,但是大历史观我很认可,3.5 @ Sheryl 6-stars book! To read the original version. @ AZURE 断断续续看了大半年,作者野心很大,跨越自然、人文科学,超越意识形态,甚至超越人类去理解这个世界。对于一个文科生来说,前部分很好看,能够从物理、化学、分子生物层面了解宇宙,了解生命。科普读物,适合中级英文水平的读者。 @ Psyecho 本来也不可能在一本书里讲完从宇宙诞生到人类文明发展至今的全部内容还包括细节吧,主要读个框架体系和思维模式。Imagine what the world will be if only history classes in high school were taught this way… @ Sheryl 6-stars book! To read the original version. @ 龍貓三太子 Fascinating journey from the beginning of the universe towards the future world of human society. @ 逆铭睡眼惺忪地 内容大都在其他地方见到过。比较有意思的是作者把自然历史和生物乃至人类历史都放在能量与熵的框架里考虑


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