The Best Interface Is No Interface

书名:The Best Interface Is No InterfaceThesimplepathtobrillianttechnology(VoicesThatMatter)
豆瓣评分: 8.0


Our love affair with the digital interface is out of control. We’ve embraced it in the boardroom, the bedroom, and the bathroom. Screens have taken over our lives. Most people spend over eight hours a day staring at a screen, and some “technological innovators” are hoping to grab even more of your eyeball time. You have screens in your pocket, in your car, on your appliances, and maybe even on your face. Average smartphone users check their phones 150 times a day, responding to the addictive buzz of Facebook or emails or Twitter. Are you sick? There’s an app for that! Need to pray? There’s an app for that! Dead? Well, there’s an app for that, too! And most apps are intentionally addictive distractions that end up taking our attention away from things like family, friends, sleep, and oncoming traffic. There’s a better way. In this book, innovator Golden Krishna challenges our world of nagging, screen-based bondage, and shows how we can build a technologically advanced world without digital interfaces. In his insightful, raw, and often hilarious criticism, Golden reveals fascinating ways to think beyond screens using three principles that lead to more meaningful innovation. Whether you’re working in technology, or just wary of a gadget-filled future, you’ll be enlighted and entertained while discovering that the best interface is no interface.


Golden Krishna

Imagining and designing the future of Zappos. Previously at a new products division of Samsung. Before that, designing at Cooper.


@ 然. 看前面会给三星,看到结尾会给三星半。喜欢这本书的部分:1作者的语调和文风 2 书里提到的各种创新公司,产品和趣闻 3 所举的一些界面的例子。 作者是提出了问题,和也许存在的解决问题的方向。我从大量的例子和资料里面看到的作者的诚恳和思考。是一本可以快速读的,有时效性的书。 @ 八月.. 可以。 @ st_ind 有点啰嗦 @ Kennn. 一篇文章可以阐述完的观点硬要写成一本书 @ 九瓦特 我的妈,书这么好写啊 @ 成石 我的妈,书这么好写啊 @ 灰色彩虹糖 为啥我觉得这本书就是design of everyday things的简化版…还是Norman老爷爷最可爱 @ 大凶堂教杀案 一篇文章可以阐述完的观点硬要写成一本书


Ellis Hamburger
Why Do Phones Ring?
Why did you buy this book?
Screen-based Thinking
Let’s make an app!
Table of Contents
Ellis Hamburger
Why Do Phones Ring?
Why did you buy this book?
Screen-based Thinking
Let’s make an app!
The Problem
Slap an Interface on It!
Slimmer TVs! Faster computers! And an overlooked epidemic of awful.
I make interfaces because that’s my job, bro
Addiction UX
Click here to cut down your belly fat by using this one weird tip
“Will you marry me?” “Sorry, I was sending Alice a text. What’d you say?”
Screen Insomnia
I love staring into a lightbulb! Me too!
The Screenless Office
The best interface is no interface
Principle 1: Embrace Typical Processes Instead of Screens
Back Pocket Apps
This app goes perfectly with my skinny jeans
Lazy Rectangles
That’s a great wireframe. We nailed it. We’re going to make a billion dollars.
Principle 2: Leverage Computers Instead of Serving Them
Computer Tantrums
Your password must be at least 18,770 characters and cannot repeat any of your previous 30,689 passwords
Machine Input
I saved your life, and I didn’t even need a password
Analog and Digital Chores
I know, I suck at life.
Principle 3: Adapt to Individuals
Computing for One
You’re spécial
Proactive Computing
In the future, I’ll talk to my computer!
The Challenges
You hate this book? Thank you.
The machine will “learn” about me? No thanks.
Automatic solutions are terrible. Look at Clippy!
What happens when it all falls apart?
Less is sometimes more
The Future
Wow, this is boring
· · · · · ·

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