Fate/Zero 02
暢銷百萬本,改編漫畫、動畫,超人氣遊戲《Fate/Stay night》前傳小說登場! 首刷贈送限量紙盒海報一張!(僅限尖端網路書店、金石堂網路書店、實體店面請詢問店家,數量有限,送完為止。) 【故事簡介】 在終極決鬥戰「聖杯戰爭」當中,不擇手段的「魔術師殺手」衛宮切嗣與堅持貫徹自我騎士精神的Saber兩人之間產生決定性的不和。 諸多英靈對彼此心存芥蒂的...
暢銷百萬本,改編漫畫、動畫,超人氣遊戲《Fate/Stay night》前傳小說登場! 首刷贈送限量紙盒海報一張!(僅限尖端網路書店、金石堂網路書店、實體店面請詢問店家,數量有限,送完為止。) 【故事簡介】 在終極決鬥戰「聖杯戰爭」當中,不擇手段的「魔術師殺手」衛宮切嗣與堅持貫徹自我騎士精神的Saber兩人之間產生決定性的不和。 諸多英靈對彼此心存芥蒂的...
Algorithms are the heart and soul of computer science. Their applications range from network routing and computational genomics to public-key cryptography and machine learning. Studying algorith...
A thought-provoking and wide-ranging exploration of machine learning and the race to build computer intelligences as flexible as our own In the world's top research labs and universities...
With an insider's view of the mind of the master, Mary Buffett and David Clark have written a simple guide for reading financial statements from Warren Buffett's succccessful perspecti...