The Master Algorithm

书名:The Master AlgorithmHowtheQuestfortheUltimateLearningMachineWillRemakeOurWorld
豆瓣评分: 7.9


A thought-provoking and wide-ranging exploration of machine learning and the race to build computer intelligences as flexible as our own In the world's top research labs and universities, the race is on to invent the ultimate learning algorithm: one capable of discovering any knowledge from data, and doing anything we want, before we even ask. In The Master Algorithm, Pedro Domingos lifts the veil to give us a peek inside the learning machines that power Google, Amazon, and your smartphone. He assembles a blueprint for the future universal learner–the Master Algorithm–and discusses what it will mean for business, science, and society. If data-ism is today's philosophy, this book is its bible.


Pedro Domingos is a professor of computer science at the University of Washington. He is a winner of the SIGKDD Innovation Award, the highest honor in data science. A fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, he lives near Seattle.


@ mz Recruiter 推荐的,很不适的读完了(还好和实际工作没关系!)。开头结尾有的观点只能用恶心来形容。非常不喜欢over selling(讨论人类小孩的学习能力之后介绍k-means 算法,seriously?), 虽然会让一些人激动,但能引起的反感远远大于这部分人激动的意义。而且有必要提master algorithm 么?有必要么?为什么要实现一个和人类大脑一样的算法呢?地球上已经七十多亿人了,这样的算法有什么用?算法有用就是因为它和人不一样。很难想象一个有着人类大脑一样学习能力的算法不会犯人类大脑的错误。不知这书的目标读者是什么人?感兴趣的话看公式不好吗?这个领域需要的是脚踏实地的介绍各种方法在哪些领域有用,哪些领域没用,为什么没用。不过现今这些问题即使研究者也很难回答。 @ 六八一零 Recruiter 推荐的,很不适的读完了(还好和实际工作没关系!)。开头结尾有的观点只能用恶心来形容。非常不喜欢over selling(讨论人类小孩的学习能力之后介绍k-means 算法,seriously?), 虽然会让一些人激动,但能引起的反感远远大于这部分人激动的意义。而且有必要提master algorithm 么?有必要么?为什么要实现一个和人类大脑一样的算法呢?地球上已经七十多亿人了,这样的算法有什么用?算法有用就是因为它和人不一样。很难想象一个有着人类大脑一样学习能力的算法不会犯人类大脑的错误。不知这书的目标读者是什么人?感兴趣的话看公式不好吗?这个领域需要的是脚踏实地的介绍各种方法在哪些领域有用,哪些领域没用,为什么没用。不过现今这些问题即使研究者也很难回答。 @ 所列门 Great general intro of five tribes of machine learning algorithms, also with some deeper discussion of coordinations of various learners. Though no defined master algorithm yet, this book provided useful insights of what potential master learners may like


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