The Effective Engineer
The most effective engineers — the ones who have risen to become distinguished engineers and leaders at their companies — can produce 10 times the impact of other engineers, but they're not...
The most effective engineers — the ones who have risen to become distinguished engineers and leaders at their companies — can produce 10 times the impact of other engineers, but they're not...
"Ruby on Rails(TM) Tutorial by Michael Hartl has become a must-read for developers learning how to build Rails apps." -Peter Cooper, Editor of Ruby Inside Using Rails, developers can b...
《WINDOWS游戏编程大师技巧》(第2版)介绍了在Windows环境下进行游戏编程所需用到的各方面知识,作者是著名的游戏开发大师Andrè LaMothe,他的每一本作品基本上都被视为游戏编程书籍的镇山之作。本书第一版的中文版自面市以来获得了广泛好评,持续热销,多次重印。此次修订在多方面更新了第一版中的内容,并且清除了拼写和技术错误,使用DirectX的最新版本来配合编译本书所带的程...
本书主要围绕Orange Can项目展开一系列编码工作,用几近真实的项目介绍小程序的各个API、组件用法,并附带一些小程序开发的经验、技巧以及常见的误区说明。整个Orange Can项目分为三部分:文章阅读、电影资讯以及设置。文章阅读包括文章列表、文章详情以及评论,通过编写文章阅读功能的代码,读者将学会swiper组件的裁剪模式、image组件的裁剪模式、缓存的使用技巧、列表渲染、数据...
《Objective-C编程》讲述Objective-C编程语言和基本的iOS/Mac开发知识。作者首先从基本的编程概念讲起(变量、条件语句、循环结构等),接着用浅显易懂的语言讲解Objective-C和Foundation的知识,包括Objective-C的基本语法、 Foundation常用类 、内存管理、常用设计模式等,最后手把手教读者编写完整的、基于事件驱动的iOS/Mac应用...
Scrapy是使用Python开发的一个快速、高层次的屏幕抓取和Web抓取框架,用于抓Web站点并从页面中提取结构化的数据。《精通Python爬虫框架Scrapy》以Scrapy 1.0版本为基础,讲解了Scrapy的基础知识,以及如何使用Python和三方API提取、整理数据,以满足自己的需求。 本书共11章,其内容涵盖了Scrapy基础知识,理解HTML和XPath,安装Sc...
The biggest challenge facing many game programmers is completing their game. Most game projects fizzle out, overwhelmed by the complexity of their own code. Game Programming Patterns tackles tha...
If you've asked someone the secret to writing efficient, well-written software, the answer that you've probably gotten is "learn assembly language programming." By learning a...
在线阅读本书 Widely considered one of the best practical guides to programming, Steve McConnells original CODE COMPLETE has been helping developers write better software for more than a decad...