About Face 2.0

书名:About Face 2.0TheEssentialsofInteractionDesign
豆瓣评分: 8.8


First published seven years ago-just before the World Wide Web exploded into dominance in the software world-About Face rapidly became a bestseller. While the ideas and principles in the original book remain as relevant as ever, the examples in About Face 2.0 are updated to reflect the evolution of the Web. Interaction Design professionals are constantly seeking to ensure that software and software-enabled products are developed with the end-user's goals in mind, that is, to make them more powerful and enjoyable for people who use them. About Face 2.0 ensures that these objectives are met with the utmost ease and efficiency. Alan Cooper (Palo Alto, CA) has spent a decade making high-tech products easier to use and less expensive to build-a practice known as "Interaction Design." Cooper is now the leader in this growing field. Mr. Cooper is also the author of two bestselling books that are widely considered indispensable texts. About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design, intro-duced the first comprehensive set of practical design principles. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum explains how talented people and companies continually create aggravating high-tech products that fail to meet customer expectations. Robert Reimann has spent the past 15 years pushing the boundaries of digital products as a designer, writer, lecturer, and consultant. He has led dozens of interaction design projects in domains including e-commerce, portals, desktop productivity, authoring environments, medical and scientific instrumentation, wireless, and handheld devices for startups and Fortune 500 clients alike. Joining Cooper in 1996, Reimann led the development and refinement of many goal-directed design methods described in About Face 2.0. He has lectured on these methods at major universities and to international industry audiences. He is a member of the advisory board of the UC Berkeley Institute of Design.



@ MingxingZhang 同样是经典 @ xiaohe it's a nice book concerning UI and interaction design. @ yusen 补一下评分……古时候了 @ Jacky cooper的书还是不错的 @ shadow 系统的讲述了设计高质量软件的方法~~ @ 二表哥 我买的应该是第一版,封面不是这样子的,听话这书在国内已经买不到啦? @ shadow 系统的讲述了设计高质量软件的方法~~ @ MingxingZhang 同样是经典 @ 彩虹墓地 每个做设计的人都应该读一下 @ yusen 补一下评分……古时候了


  • 对建筑师而言,设计是对占据这些空间的人如何生活和工作的理解,从而设计出支持和协助这些行为的空间布局,对于数字产品来说理解使用这些产品的人如何生活和工作,使产品的行为和形式功能能够支撑和促进用户的行为。一个注重个性化体验的时代,能为消费者提供独特的与产品及企业相关的各种体验将对促进销售与提高亲和力有积极的帮助,
    —— 引自第8页
  • “一种长期成功的产品,必须能增强人们的能力、给人们带来快乐”,这个道理其实很简单,人的终极期望永远是──“得到快乐”,要帮助人们得到快乐,必须要了解“是谁、在什么样的时间空间内、要做什么、为什么要做、他会怎样去做、会有什么样的感受”,这正是所谓设计应该考虑的因素,也正是设计的价值所在。
    —— 引自第8页
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