The World for Sale

书名:The World for SaleMoney,PowerandtheTradersWhoBartertheEarth’sResources
豆瓣评分: 8.3


The modern world is built on commodities – from the oil that fuels our cars to the metals that power our smartphones. We rarely stop to consider where they have come from. But we should. In The World for Sale, two leading journalists lift the lid on one of the least scrutinised corners of the world economy: the workings of the billionaire commodity traders who buy, hoard and sell the earth's resources. It is the story of how a handful of swashbuckling businessmen became indispensable cogs in global markets: enabling an enormous expansion in international trade, and connecting resource-rich countries – no matter how corrupt or war-torn – with the world's financial centres. And it is the story of how some traders acquired untold political power, right under the noses of western regulators and politicians – helping Saddam Hussein to sell his oil, fuelling the Libyan rebel army during the Arab Spring, and funnelling cash to Vladimir Putin's Kremlin in spite of western sanctions. The result is an eye-opening tour through the wildest frontiers of the global economy, as well as a revelatory guide to how capitalism really works.


Javier Blas and Jack Farchy are two of the best-known journalists covering energy, commodities and trading houses. Today, they both work for Bloomberg News, where Blas is Chief Energy Correspondent and Farchy is a Senior Reporter covering natural resources. Working together both at the Financial

Times and now at Bloomberg, they've interviewed most of the key figures in the commodity trading industry, in many cases the first interviews the traders had ever given. They have an extensive network of contacts among executives, financiers, investors, government officials and civil society. They

founded the FT Global Commodities Summit, an annual conference which has become established as the pre-eminent gathering of the industry. This is their first book.


@ 伊艮聪 写得很好,按时间顺序挑选有重大意义的事件精写,虽然一个个事件独立,一会儿非洲,一会儿苏联解体,一会儿中国腾飞,一会儿中东,但前后有因果关系,串得到一起。非常喜欢其中两章讲述两代交易商如何站在时代潮头“年轻有为、挥斥方遒、杀伐决断、刀口舔血”的故事,也看得出,要赚钱,就要把自己身上的人味儿去掉,什么时候人味儿去干净了,什么时候就成巨富了,不仅是对别人,也是对自己,不要里子不要面子只看得见钱、机会、生意,才能成巨富。虽然他们这几代马塞马拉草原上狮子家族般野蛮残酷的交易商的高光时刻已经过去了,但野蛮残酷的商机和行当永远会有。 @ Flora 冷门选材的大宗商品交易内幕,文风倒很像新闻简报合集,全面诠释了什么是闷声发大财,什么是富贵险中求。游走于法律边缘,冒着生命危险,踩踏着政治红线,从石油七姐妹,Mark Rich,苏联解体,古巴危机,中国崛起,一直到疫情爆发,哪里有价格差,哪里就有他们。交易品如金属粮食原油等皆为生活必须,所以贸易商们甚至决定着世界政治的风向标。即便新冠疫情影响了全球经济,但贸易商们仍能通过囤积石油盆满钵满,同时也再次印证:只要有信息差,冒险家们便一定会加入赌局,得以渔利。



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