The Manager's Path

书名:The Manager's PathAGuideforTechLeadersNavigatingGrowthandChange
豆瓣评分: 9.5


Managing people is difficult wherever you work. But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the learning curve can be brutal—especially when there are few tools, texts, and frameworks to help you. In this practical guide, author Camille Fournier (tech lead turned CTO) takes you through each stage in the journey from engineer to technical manager. From mentoring interns to working with senior staff, you’ll get actionable advice for approaching various obstacles in your path. This book is ideal whether you’re a new manager, a mentor, or a more experienced leader looking for fresh advice. Pick up this book and learn how to become a better manager and leader in your organization. Begin by exploring what you expect from a manager Understand what it takes to be a good mentor, and a good tech lead Learn how to manage individual members while remaining focused on the entire team Understand how to manage yourself and avoid common pitfalls that challenge many leaders Manage multiple teams and learn how to manage managers Learn how to build and bootstrap a unifying culture in teams


Camille Fournier is the former CTO of Rent the Runway, where she managed to somehow earn herself the nickname "The Hammer." She is the author of the blog Elided Branches, which covers many topics relevant to software engineers including distributed systems and engineering leadership, and a frequent conference speaker on these topics.


@ 今天_晴 超级赞。现在似乎没有精力写书评了。每章都很好。从IC到manager都需要读。 @ 王的天 从小经理到CTO万能 @ 逸水流觞 从应届生可以一直看到CTO。。。 @ shark-wh 知己知彼?读完忽然明白了公司里的做法,特别是最后几章要看 @ Ares 十分好书。 @ jlinKnight 科技界职场成长指南 @ Ares 十分好书。 @ Tony 样章看了果断买了。原版书200多还是有点贵。 @ 4l4nch4n 读了一半 @ paranoid_fish Great book for new managers or even non management roles.Key take-aways: – Tech Lead is a leadership role and would take responsibility of project management. So as Team Lead. – Team Lead should sp… Great book for new managers or even non management roles.Key take-aways: – Tech Lead is a leadership role and would take responsibility of project management. So as Team Lead. – Team Lead should spend 10-30% time in coding, to keep up with the team. Team Lead regularly reviews code. – Distance from your team in social events e.g. Friday drinkin


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