The Courage to Act
In 2006, Ben S. Bernanke was appointed chair of the Federal Reserve, the unexpected apex of a personal journey from small-town South Carolina to prestigious academic appointments and finally pub...
In 2006, Ben S. Bernanke was appointed chair of the Federal Reserve, the unexpected apex of a personal journey from small-town South Carolina to prestigious academic appointments and finally pub...
If you’re a student studying computer science or a software developer preparing for technical interviews, this practical book helps you learn and review the most important ideas in software engi...
This text covers topics in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra with a strong perspective toward practical and computational aspects. The first four chapters form the core of the book. A c...
The Web is increasingly happening in realtime. With sites such as Facebook and FriendFeed leading the way, users are coming to expect that all websites should serve content to them as it occurs....
新的科学研究发现,我们都陷入了一个隐藏的心理陷阱:我们越是努力追求幸福,就越会长期遭受痛苦的恶性循环。 幸运的是,通过一个以正念技术为基础的开创性新方法,我们都能逃脱这个“幸福的陷阱”。
你是否因为缺乏自信、害怕失败、自我怀疑,错过了生活中的很多机会? 无论是公开演讲、担任领导,还是邀请某人约会,你是否都觉得自己没有能力应对所面临的挑战? 在本书中,作者解释了之所以那些广为流传的自信技巧都不管用,是因为它们都建立在错误的规则之上:人们错误地以为,只有自己有了自信,才能自信地去做重要的事情。对这一错误规则的坚守,导致许多人深深陷入了"自信的陷阱...
我们经常带着童话般的想法进入亲密关系,以为我们找到了对的人,就可以从此快乐相伴,直到永远。然而,幸福的感觉很快就会烟消云散,取而代之的是愤怒、恐惧、悲痛、沮丧、悔恨,甚至绝望、仇恨。 这听起来是不是有点残酷、悲观和压抑? 不要害怕,本书作者有办法帮你厘清这些麻烦。 在本书中,作者提出用一种全新的方式来看待爱,即我们可以把爱看作行动,而不是感受,并且要把行动聚焦在那些可...