Designing For The Social Web

书名:Designing For The Social Web
豆瓣评分: 8.4


No matter what type of web site or application you’re building, social interaction among the people who use it will be key to its success. They will talk about it, invite their friends, complain, sing its high praises, and dissect it in countless ways. With the right design strategy you can use this social interaction to get people signing up, coming back regularly, and bringing others into the fold. With tons of examples from real-world interfaces and a touch of the underlying social psychology theory, Joshua Porter shows you how to design your next great social web application. Inside, you’ll discover: • The real reasons why people participate online and the psychology behind them • The Usage Lifecycle—or how people use your web application over time • How to get people past that trickiest of hurdles: sign-up • What to do when you’ve launched a web application and nobody is using it • How to analyze the effectiveness of your application screens and flows • How to grow your social web application from zero users to 1000—and beyond Designing for the social web is about much more than adding features. It’s about embracing the social interaction of the people who make you successful—and then designing smartly to encourage it.


Joshua Porter 网页设计师、设计顾问、博客写手,从事网站制作十余年。他创办的Bokardo设计公司专注于界面设计、社会化网站及应用设计。他维护着广受欢迎的博客网站。

邝宇恒 1998年开始成为网虫的80后,热爱互联网,爱折腾,爱分享。好聊天:跟搞技术的聊产品,跟搞产品的聊技术。早期中山大学逸仙时空BBS技术站长,曾在百度任职工程师,经历百度搜藏、空间等产品。目前供职于腾讯公司,主打QQ邮箱。总之,geek一枚。更常被人所知的名字是布丁。


@ 老卡 Chapter 7 is bit of weak. But the rest is just fascinating. @ 小甲 sns @ 香蒲 design for collective intelligence @ 小强强 有很多观点很精彩,方法很详细可执行度高 @ orin 有很多重要的知识点散落在各个章节,需要慢慢体会。但总体上还是一部很值得阅读的入门书籍 @ 香蒲 design for collective intelligence @ 小强强 有很多观点很精彩,方法很详细可执行度高 @ orin 有很多重要的知识点散落在各个章节,需要慢慢体会。但总体上还是一部很值得阅读的入门书籍 @ 老卡 Chapter 7 is bit of weak. But the rest is just fascinating. @ 小甲 sns


  • Barry Schwartz的选择悖论:产品和信息过载问题的一个有趣的副作用。在这种情况下,我们不仅无法作出正确的选择,实际上会变得麻木,最后不做任何选择:放弃!
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  • 最能吸引人的应用,就是让人出色完成某个特定活动的应用。
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