书名:The Culture of ConnectivityACriticalHistoryofSocialMedia
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Social media has come to deeply penetrate our lives: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and many other platforms define many of our daily habits of communication and creative production. The Culture of Connectivity studies the rise of social media in the first decade of the twenty-first century up until 2012, providing both a historical and a critical analysis of the emergence of major platforms in the context of a rapidly changing ecosystem of connective media. Such history is needed to understand how these media have come to profoundly affect our experience of online sociality. The first stage of their development shows a fundamental shift. While most sites started out as amateur-driven community platforms, half a decade later they have turned into large corporations that do not just facilitate user connectedness, but have become global information and data mining companies extracting and exploiting user connectivity. Author and media scholar Jose van Dijck offers an analytical prism to examine techno-cultural as well as socio-economic aspects of this transformation. She dissects five major platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and Wikipedia. Each of these microsystems occupies a distinct position in the larger ecology of connective media, and yet, their underlying mechanisms for coding interfaces, steering users, and filtering content rely on shared ideological principles. At the level of management and organization, we can also observe striking similarities between these platforms' shifting ownership status, governance strategies, and business models. Reconstructing the premises on which these platforms are built, this study highlights how norms for online interaction and communication gradually changed. "Sharing," "friending," "liking," "following," "trending," and "favoriting" have come to denote online practices imbued with specific technological and economic meanings. This process of normalization, the author argues, is part of a larger political and ideological battle over information control in an online world where everything is bound to become social. Crossing lines of technological, historical, sociological, and cultural inquiry, The Culture of Connectivity will reshape the way we think about interpersonal connection in the digital age.
何塞·范·迪克(José van Dijck,1960— ),女,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学比较传媒研究院教授,曾任阿姆斯特丹大学人文学院院长。她还是荷兰皇家艺术与科学学院的首位女性主席。2016年被荷兰著名杂志Opzij评为年度最有影响力的荷兰女性。曾出版作品:Mediated Memories in the Digital Age(2007)、The Transparent Body: A Cultural Analysis of Medical Imaging(2005)。
@ junior Latourian ANT只构成了作者所谓的“联系性文化”的一半。她的这个核心概念原创性不足,在分析Flickr的一篇文章中充分暴露出来( 对于ANT和政经批判结合这件事我真的接受无能(摊手 @ esp吃梦香菇 写硕士论文时觉得太好了就照着这个模式写,现在能看出点局限性了,一个是虽然宣称用了ant但是落在具体的分析上具体的还是不太多,再一个文科生理解数据算法确实不太懂我现在也愁这个,三是以平台来分的结构目前看还是有点草率。但总的来说还是写得很不错。 @ 戎易 FB那章颇精彩,有远见。互联网研究里少有的有细读功夫的书。