Designing Interactions

书名:Designing Interactions
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Digital technology has changed the way we interact with everything from the games we play to the tools we use at work. Designers of digital technology products no longer regard their job as designing a physical object–beautiful or utilitarian–but as designing our interactions with it. In Designing Interactions, award-winning designer Bill Moggridge introduces us to forty influential designers who have shaped our interaction with technology. Moggridge, designer of the first laptop computer (the GRiD Compass, 1981) and a founder of the design firm IDEO, tells us these stories from an industry insider's viewpoint, tracing the evolution of ideas from inspiration to outcome. The innovators he interviews–including Will Wright, creator of The Sims, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, and Doug Engelbart, Bill Atkinson, and others involved in the invention and development of the mouse and the desktop–have been instrumental in making a difference in the design of interactions. Their stories chart the history of entrepreneurial design development for technology. Moggridge and his interviewees discuss such questions as why a personal computer has a window in a desktop, what made Palm's handheld organizers so successful, what turns a game into a hobby, why Google is the search engine of choice, and why 30 million people in Japan choose the i-mode service for their cell phones. And Moggridge tells the story of his own design process and explains the focus on people and prototypes that has been successful at IDEO–how the needs and desires of people can inspire innovative designs and how prototyping methods are evolving for the design of digital technology. Designing Interactions is illustrated with more than 700 images, with color throughout. Accompanying the book is a DVD that contains segments from all the interviews intercut with examples of the interactions under discussion. Interviews with: Bill Atkinson, Durrell Bishop, Brendan Boyle, Dennis Boyle, Paul Bradley, Duane Bray, Sergey Brin, Stu Card, Gillian Crampton Smith, Chris Downs, Tony Dunne, John Ellenby, Doug Englebart, Jane Fulton Suri, Bill Gaver, Bing Gordon, Rob Haitani, Jeff Hawkins, Matt Hunter, Hiroshi Ishii, Bert Keely, David Kelley, Rikako Kojima, Brenda Laurel, David Liddle, Lavrans Løvlie, John Maeda, Paul Mercer, Tim Mott, Joy Mountford, Takeshi Natsuno, Larry Page, Mark Podlaseck, Fiona Raby, Cordell Ratzlaff, Ben Reason, Jun Rekimoto, Steve Rogers, Fran Samalionis, Larry Tesler, Bill Verplank, Terry Winograd, and Will Wright



@ r i v e r 粗略翻了一遍,本书梳理了交互设计发展至21世纪初的历史,从个人消费级数码产品的发展历程,到服务设计系统,以及更具探索性的MIT媒体实验室和RCA的思辨设计都有涉及,在最后一章中,作者详细讲述了IDEO的工作方法,也说本书可以作为一个交互设计的SOTA合集。虽然是十多年前出版的书,很多例子都有些年头了,但是这些方法和思潮现在还在被广泛运用,甚至因为过于热门而被滥用,可以说本书是很有前瞻性的。然而不得不说,交互设计与信息技术一直是两生花的关系,这十几年间技术的发展和应用速度远超上世纪,如果本书能够被续写,将会非常有趣。 @ Mavis 上课不好好看reading,上班临时抱佛脚…… @2017-02-07 09:06:09


1 The mouse and the desktop
2 My PC
3 From desk to the palm
4 Adopting technology
5 Play
6 Services
7 the Internet
8 Multisensory and Multimedia
9 Futures and alternative nows
10 People and Prototypes
· · · · · ·

  • 1. Motivation—errors or ideasDesign ought to start from understanding the problems that people are having, and also from ideals. A lot of people are motivated byproblems that they see, breakdowns of one sort or another, errors thatthey observe. Another place that design starts is with ideas. Theseare the brilliant concepts, the ideals that we have for making theworld wonderful.2. Meaning—metaphors and scenariosIf you can tell a good story about something, or spin a goodmetaphor, it makes sense to people. This is where the meaning of thedesign comes from. A clear metaphor is the strange idea thatconnects two things; for example the cloud and the bolt of lightning,saying—Ah hah! This isn’t a computer, it’s a desktop! Along with themetaphor, we also need a variety of scenarios, …
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