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A revelatory account of poverty in America so deep that we, as a country, don’t think it exists Jessica Compton’s family of four would have no cash income unless she donated plasma twice ...
A revelatory account of poverty in America so deep that we, as a country, don’t think it exists Jessica Compton’s family of four would have no cash income unless she donated plasma twice ...
Why has median income stopped rising in the US? Why is the share of population that is working falling so rapidly? Why are our economy and society are becoming more unequal? A popular e...
书名:The Hitchhiker's Guide to PythonBestPracticesforDevelopment 作者:KennethReitz/TanyaSchlusser 译者: ISBN:978149193317 […]
Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts. When asked simple questions about global trends―what percentage of the world’s pop...
A revelatory examination of the most significant demographic shift since the Baby Boom—the sharp increase in the number of people who live alone—that offers surprising insights on the benefits o...
"The seminal guide to the new morality of personal money management" ( Los Angeles Times (on the first edition)) In an age of great economic uncertainty when everyone is concer...
This is the only money guide you’ll ever need. That’s a bold claim, given there are already thousands of finance books on the shelves. So what makes this one different? Well, you won’t ...
What really causes depression and anxiety - and how can we really solve them? Award-winning journalist Johann Hari suffered from depression since he was a child and started taking anti-depressan...
《立场——辩证思维训练》系列丛书以论辩形式呈现当下热点话题,选取正反两面立场的论述素材,涵盖联合国报告、美国议会陈词、报刊论说文章、法庭辩论记录等,说理充分,论证严密,有助于激发学生兴趣,锻炼思辨能力。 《立场——辩证思维训练:社会篇(第17版)》聚焦一系列当下社会普遍关注的热点问题,涉及价值观、家庭、经济、政治、人口等领域,既有“男女收入差距的存在是否合理”、“全球化对穷人和富...
1700年之前的欧洲绘画为何很少以蓝色为主? 最热的火焰是什么? 吃了一盘红辣椒就获得了诺贝尔奖的人是谁? 这些只是这本插图精美的书中涉及众多引人深思的问题的冰山一角。欢迎加入作者德里克·B.罗威的探索历程,书中涵盖了公元前50万年到2030年化学发展史上最重要、最有趣的250个里程碑。这条时间线轨迹上有各种各样的化学主题,如水银、氨基酸、希腊火、贤者之石、聚合物、荧...