书名:Race Against the MachineHowtheDigitalRevolutionisAcceleratingInnovation,DrivingProductivity,andIrreversiblyTransformingEmploymentandtheEconomy
豆瓣评分: 8.3
Why has median income stopped rising in the US? Why is the share of population that is working falling so rapidly? Why are our economy and society are becoming more unequal? A popular explanation right now is that the root cause underlying these symptoms is technological stagnation– a slowdown in the kinds of ideas and inventions that bring progress and prosperity. In Race Against the Machine, MIT's Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee present a very different explanation. Drawing on research by their team at the Center for Digital Business, they show that there's been no stagnation in technology — in fact, the digital revolution is accelerating. Recent advances are the stuff of science fiction: computers now drive cars in traffic, translate between human languages effectively, and beat the best human Jeopardy! players. As these examples show, digital technologies are rapidly encroaching on skills that used to belong to humans alone. This phenomenon is both broad and deep, and has profound economic implications. Many of these implications are positive; digital innovation increases productivity, reduces prices (sometimes to zero), and grows the overall economic pie. But digital innovation has also changed how the economic pie is distributed, and here the news is not good for the median worker. As technology races ahead, it can leave many people behind. Workers whose skills have been mastered by computers have less to offer the job market, and see their wages and prospects shrink. Entrepreneurial business models, new organizational structures and different institutions are needed to ensure that the average worker is not left behind by cutting-edge machines. In Race Against the Machine Brynjolfsson and McAfee bring together a range of statistics, examples, and arguments to show that technological progress is accelerating, and that this trend has deep consequences for skills, wages, and jobs. The book makes the case that employment prospects are grim for many today not because there's been technology has stagnated, but instead because we humans and our organizations aren't keeping up.
埃里克·布林约尔松(Erik Brynjolfsson),麻省理工斯隆管理学院的教授,麻省理工数字商务中心主任,《斯隆管理评论》主席,国家经济研究局助理研究员,与人合著有《连线创新:信息技术如何重塑经济》。早年毕业于哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。
安德鲁·麦卡菲(Andrew McAfee),麻省理工斯隆管理学院数字商务中心的首席研究科学家和副主任。曾著有《企业2.0:帮助企业迎接最严峻挑战的全新协作工具》。早年毕业于麻省理工学院和哈佛大学。
@ 532EEDC9400A0 MIT两位大神拉的屎 @ Wind Force 强烈的危机感。必须尽快离开现在的屌丝专业 @ s 毕竟快十年了因此挺常识了,但翻翻还不错 @ 远東新君 这是一本社会学的书,分析和结论让我想到人类需要一次“大低谷”时期,除掉几次产能革命之前遗留下来过多的低素质人口。。。(只是随便想想,我不敢反人类) @ 透明 高级!要不被机器取代,就要从这几个方面着力:直觉,创造性,理解,愉悦。以往这些被看作“软技能”,以后它们是唯一需要人类的领域。 @ 廖芜 mit的教授们对于机器automation对工作岗位的影响差别也是很大了。这本一边告诫众人,一边对于正确政策引导下的第三次工业革命充满了希望。我就是疑惑,究竟这个希望是从哪里来的呢?以及每次工业革命带来的问题您是都不提了吗? @ s 毕竟快十年了因此挺常识了,但翻翻还不错 @ 土豆泥 前半部分析有深度,后面的结论和建议分量不足 @ pp 篇幅较短,论证的相对简单,但还是有一定的真知灼见的。 @ 雨中的小斗笠 很有启发的一本书,虽然很薄,但是观点足够新颖!