Robert Oppenheimer
Robert Oppenheimer was among the most brilliant and divisive of men. As head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he oversaw the successful effort to beat the Nazis in the race to develop the first ato...
Robert Oppenheimer was among the most brilliant and divisive of men. As head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he oversaw the successful effort to beat the Nazis in the race to develop the first ato...
时至今日,影响深远的近代第一次工业革命仍有不少蹊跷之处有待破解,为何这场涵盖生产力和生产关系各领域的巨大变革没有发生在欧洲或亚洲的其它地方,偏偏在18世纪的英国横空出世?罗伯特•艾伦(Robert Allen)先生的这本新著以令人信服的史料,详尽揭示出这场发端于英国的工业革命的奥秘所在,他认为这场革命乃是英国在成功应对17—18世纪粉墨登场的一系列全球化经济挑战之后,自然产生的一种结果...
Practical Software Architecture Solutions from the Legendary Robert C. Martin (“Uncle Bob”) By applying universal rules of software architecture, you can dramatically improve developer pr...
Book Description A decade has passed since the book that introduced Warren Buffett to the world - The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom - first appeared. Since then, Buffett has solid...
foreword by Richard Saul Wurman Information design is the newest of the design disciplines. As a sign of our times, when the crafting of messages and meaning is so central to our lives, informat...