Small changes to your habits can improve your health—without getting in the way of your work. The Healthy Programmer gives you a daily plan of action that’s incremental and iterative just like t...
A quick guide to everything anyone would want to know about the soaringly popular Internet programming language, Python. Provides an introduction to new features introduced in Python 1.6, and to...
This book is a unique and essential reference that focuses upon the reading and comprehension of existing software code. While code reading is an important task faced by the vast majority of stu...
While some web developers dismiss JavaScript as a flawed language, this succinct book shows you how to make the best of it by practicing a functional style of JavaScript programming. Written by ...
由贾菡等编译的《PHP基础教程(第4版)》以通俗易懂的语言向初学者介绍了PHP语言的基本概念、使用方法和注意事项。全书通过丰富的示例,引领读者逐步掌握这门流行的Web开发语言,使读者能够上手编写适用于常用场景的PHP脚本。 《PHP基础教程(第4版)》适合有基本HTML经验的读者阅读。
书名:Unix Shell编程 作者:PatrickWood/StephenG.Kochan 译者: ISBN:9787113058210 出版社:中国铁道出版社 出版时间:2004-4-1 格式:epub/mobi/azw3/pdf 页数 […]
In this substantive yet accessible book, pioneering software designer Alexander Stepanov and his colleague Daniel Rose illuminate the principles of generic programming and the mathematical conce...
It took me a pretty long time to really get Git. As I’ve continued to use Git more and more where I work, I’ve found myself trying to teach people what it is and why we use it over and over agai...