Game Theory
This advanced text introduces the principles of noncooperative game theory - including strategic form games, Nash equilibria, subgame perfection, repeated games, and games of incomplete informat...
This advanced text introduces the principles of noncooperative game theory - including strategic form games, Nash equilibria, subgame perfection, repeated games, and games of incomplete informat...
▌简·奥斯丁的情商课——当奥斯丁遇见博弈论 . 奥斯丁笔下的人情世故,蕴含怎样的博弈智慧? 奥斯丁的小说,何以成为女性成长必读书? . 关于选择:“在我看来,怎么做会使我幸福,我就怎么做,你管不着,与我无关的人都管不着”——伊丽莎白坚定捍卫婚姻的自我选择权,代表了奥斯丁女主的一贯态度。 关于偏好:“女人拒绝男人的求婚,男人总觉得不可思议。男人总以为女...
A Course in Game Theory presents the main ideas of game theory at a level suitable for graduate students and advanced undergraduates, emphasizing the theory's foundations and interpretation...
书名:博弈论诺贝尔经济学奖获得者丛书 作者:朱·弗登博格(DrewFudenberg)/让·梯若尔(JeanTirole) 译者: ISBN:9787300209937 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 出版时间:2015-5-1 格式:epub […]