Who Am I?
书名:Who Am I?AnAutobiographyOfEmotion,Mind,AndSpirit 作者:Yi-FuTuan 译者: ISBN:9780299166601 出版社:UniversityofWisconsinPress 出 […]
书名:Who Am I?AnAutobiographyOfEmotion,Mind,AndSpirit 作者:Yi-FuTuan 译者: ISBN:9780299166601 出版社:UniversityofWisconsinPress 出 […]
★内容介绍 有没有想过,我们的一些身体特征可能源于祖先的一些行为,而我们现在的生活习惯也很有可能影响后世子孙。听起来有些夸张,但这将成为我们未来热烈讨论的话题。 表观遗传学是一个复杂的过程,但古生物学家、天体生物学家彼得·沃德(Peter Ward)将之化解为通俗语言,以飨大众读者。他用表观遗传学的范式,重新审视了我们人类的历史——从远古到黑死病的爆发再直入当下——是如何在...
Buddhism has become a uniquely favored religion in our modern age. A burgeoning number of books extol the scientifically proven benefits of meditation and mindfulness for everything ranging from...
Robert Neville is the last living man on Earth...but he is not alone. Every other man, woman, and child on Earth has become a vampire, and they are all hungry for Neville's blood. By day, h...