Survival of the Sickest

书名:Survival of the Sickest
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Synopsis In this groundbreaking and absorbing book, wunderkind Dr. Sharon Moalem delves back into the evolution of man to reveal hitherto unknown and astonishing ways the human body is built to survive. With this revolutionary new book, Sharon Moalem completely turns modern medicine's understanding of disease on it's head. "It is not," he argues, "that dark country to which we're exiled when we're not 'healthy.' The truth, I intend to show you, is much more interesting and encouraging." His research will reveal that many common diseases are in fact complicated blessings. In considering the question of why diseases exist, Moalem proposes that most common diseases came into existence for very good reasons. Diabetes, hemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia all may exist because at some point they helped our ancestors survive some grand challenge to human existence. In turn, he also discovered that genetic and cultural differences have led to each race having different and unique ways of reacting to their environment and subsequently how they become susceptible to certain diseases. With mesmerizing insight, Moalem demonstrates how diabetes may be a by-product of a mechanism that helped humans survive the Ice Age, why African Americans living in the north might suffer from vitamin D deficiencies, and why Asians can't drink as much alcohol as Europeans. Information in this book is extremely timely, such as Moalem's exploration of the Avian Flu, a disease that threatens to be the world's next great pandemic. Revelatory and written in an utterly engaging fashion, Sharon Moalem's book will change the way we think about our own bodies.


沙龙·莫勒姆是多伦多大学哲学博士、纽约西奈山医学院医学博士,他专攻的领域为稀有疾病、神经遗传学和生物技术,他的学术研究和医学工作主要围绕进化、遗传、生物学和医学如何革命性地改变我们理解疾病的方式。莫勒姆博士著有《性与五感》《遗传》《重启DNA》等多部科普著作,曾任《阿尔茨海默病杂志》(Journal of Alzheimer's Disease)副主编,与人合伙创办了两家生物技术公司,并获得多项专利。他的临床遗传学研究帮助发现了两种罕见的遗传特征,以及一种新型的抗菌化合物新药。





@ 艾習角™ First, that life is in a constant state of creation. Evolution isn’t over. Second, that nothing in our world exists in isolation. We—meaning humans and animals and plants and microbes and everything else—are all evolving together. And third, that our relationship with disease is often much more complex than we may have previously realized. @ VV 学习医学英语时的课外读物,原版很好读词汇不难,而且很科普很有趣~ @ 妞妞宝贝 知道了很多,又多了很多不知道的……生命是奇迹。 @ 易北 看端粒酶、表观遗传学看得津津有味,忽然结尾讲起了水下分娩、aquatic apes??不过还是很值得一读,甚至想要follow学界当前的研究成果。 @ 糯米君 非常容易读下去的有趣科普书~ @ dd_b 2020开篇原版书,有趣满分,打开新世界满分,原本计划7天读完,实际9天 @ VV 学习医学英语时的课外读物,原版很好读词汇不难,而且很科普很有趣~


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