
豆瓣评分: 8.6


媒体推荐 “Every business leader I know worries about the same thing: Are we moving fast enough? The genius of Jake Knapp’s Sprint is its step-by-step breakdown of what it takes to solve big problems and do work that matters with speed and urgency. A sprint is a cure for what ails companies in an ever faster world.”—Beth Comstock, vice chair of GE "The key to success, often, is building the right habits. But which habits work best? Sprint offers powerful methods for hatching ideas, solving problems, testing solutions—and finding those small, correct habits that make all the right behaviors fall in place." – Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit "To quote one of my colleagues, “don’t get ready, get started”. Through hard won experience Jake Knapp and the team at Google Ventures have refined an efficient, hands-on approach to solving your product, service and experience design challenges. Try the book and try a Sprint." – Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO and author of Change By Design "Read this book and do what it says if you want to build better products faster." – Ev Williams, founder of Medium, Blogger, and Twitter


Jake Knapp created the Google Ventures sprint process and has run more than a hundred sprints with startups such as 23andme, Slack, Nest, and Foundation Medicine. Previously, Jake worked at Google, leading sprints for everything from Gmail to Google X. He is currently among the world’s tallest designers.

John Zeratsky has designed mobile apps, medical reports, and a daily newspaper (among other things). Before joining Google Ventures, he was a design lead at YouTube and an early employee of FeedBurner, which Google acquired in 2007. John writes about design and productivity for Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and Wired. He studied journalism at the University of Wisconsin.

Braden Kowitz founded the Google Ventures design team in 2009 and pioneered the role of “design partner” at a venture capital firm. He has advised close to two hundred startups on product design, hiring, and team culture. Before joining Google Ventures, Braden led design for several Google products, including Gmail, Google Apps for Business, Google Spreadsheets, and Google Trends.


@ 亲爱的K 读了大半,这个必须要操作一遍才能把步骤理解通顺,很佩服这个策略。在组织机构内,各方都有自己的资源位置,很容易进入避免犯错的保守状态,Sprint是最大程度利用talent。偶尔大点的项目,也有类似的集合,但大家开会的效率极其低下,目标不清,都是克制着混。方法论很好,startup去做pitch,投资人们想加油注劲儿,都难,通过Sprint能最大程度的把注意力集中起来,最顶尖的一波人在一起需要这样一个步骤来维系注意力。像我们日常开会,大老板们想提供支持,即没机会利用他们的经验,也没条件分配好位置,大家只能开会,人家这边sprint,厉害的让人佩服。跟Make Time一样,真的是手把手教,当初读make time启发我digital minimalist真的是mentor般的分享。 @ 夕罗 会多到需要有人发明一个方法来做决定……


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  • 记住,白板是整个团队的共享大脑。
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