书名:Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition
豆瓣评分: 9.4
Programming Language Pragmatics is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. Taking the perspective that language design and language implementation are tightly interconnected, and that neither can be fully understood in isolation, this critically acclaimed and bestselling book has been thoroughly updated to cover the most recent developments in programming language design. With a new chapter on run-time program management and expanded coverage of concurrency, this new edition provides both students and professionals alike with a solid understanding of the most important issues driving software development today. Classic programming foundations text now updated to familiarize students with the languages they are most likely to encounter in the workforce, including including Java 7, C++, C# 3.0, F#, Fortran 2008, Ada 2005, Scheme R6RS, and Perl 6. New and expanded coverage of concurrency and run-time systems ensures students and professionals understand the most important advances driving software today. Includes over 800 numbered examples to help the reader quickly cross-reference and access content.
As a textbook suitable for the classroom or self-study, Michael Scott's Programming Language Pragmatics provides a worthy tour of the theory and practice of how programming languages are run on today's computers. Clearly organized and filled with a wide-ranging perspective on over 40 different languages, this book will be appreciated for its depth and breadth of coverage on an essential topic in computer science.
With references to dozens of programming languages, from Ada to Turing and everything in between (including C, C++, Java, and Perl), this book is a truly in-depth guide to how code is compiled (or interpreted) and executed on computer hardware. Early chapters tend to be slightly more theoretical (with coverage of regular expressions and context-free grammars) and will be most valuable to the computer science student, but much of this book is accessible to anyone seeking to widen their knowledge (especially since recent standards surrounding XML make use of some of the same vocabulary presented here).
The book has a comprehensive discussion of compilation and linking, as well as how data types are implemented in memory. Sections on functional and logical programming (illustrated with Scheme and Prolog, which are often used in AI research) can expand your understanding of how programming languages work. Final sections on the advantages–and complexities–of concurrent processing, plus a nice treatment of code optimization techniques, round out the text here. Each chapter provides numerous exercises, so you can try out the ideas on your own.
@ erlv 没什么好说的。五星.可能没有比这本书涉及到的各种语言设计,编译器实现细节更广,更全了。且都介绍的相对详细透彻。 @ [已注销] Stony Brook CSE 307用的书. 个人感觉这本书可以被几个其他介绍单独语言的书(SML, Prolog)代替… 剩下的内容网上找找就好了… @ 拜大五郎 parser 没写出之遗恨 @ [已注销] 最後三天讀了二百多頁,差點沒噎死哈哈哈。很好,很好的書,我覺得這算入了計算機語言的理論的門吧,光學怎麼寫程序,永遠也不是最偉大的程序猿! @ t君 COMP524 @ 云淡风轻 覆盖面很广,一路从语言设计,编程范式讲解到编译器实现。不过正如标题“Pragmatics”所指,本书侧重在语用学,关注实际语言特性的分析、运用与实现,对语法学也有一定涉及,但是对语义学涉及甚少。 @ 阿 芒 不够龙书全面深入。当入门书又觉得讲的不太清楚。 @ 豌豆黄 传道授业解惑!好书。尤其文笔流畅,不枯燥,原版看的也自在 @ 拜大五郎 parser 没写出之遗恨 @ t君 COMP524