How Doctors Think

书名:How Doctors Think
豆瓣评分: 8.5


On average, a physician will interrupt a patient describing her symptoms within eighteen seconds. In that short time, many doctors decide on the likely diagnosis and best treatment. Often, decisions made this way are correct, but at crucial moments they can also be wrong — with catastrophic consequences. In this myth-shattering book, Jerome Groopman pinpoints the forces and thought processes behind the decisions doctors make. Groopman explores why doctors err and shows when and how they can — with our help — avoid snap judgments, embrace uncertainty, communicate effectively, and deploy other skills that can profoundly impact our health. This book is the first to describe in detail the warning signs of erroneous medical thinking and reveal how new technologies may actually hinder accurate diagnoses. How Doctors Think offers direct, intelligent questions patients can ask their doctors to help them get back on track. Groopman draws on a wealth of research, extensive interviews with some of the country's best doctors, and his own experiences as a doctor and as a patient. He has learned many of the lessons in this book the hard way, from his own mistakes and from errors his doctors made in treating his own debilitating medical problems. How Doctors Think reveals a profound new view of twenty-first-century medical practice, giving doctors and patients the vital information they need to make better judgments together.



@ zhifeige Revisited cognitive errors & biases under the medical setting. / It is a very strange feeling to see the medical terminologies I'm familiar with written in another language and used in another language/cultural environment. / Doctors' heuristics. / Heavily anecdotal (it is the nature of the profession though). @ 水龙吟 医生在做诊断的时候会有各种认知偏误。循证医学也有其局限性,各种仪器和表格是很好的工具,但是要合理赋权。怎样做出最合理的决策,运用各种资源,减小商业化影响,回归到以人为本的主旨,是值得借鉴的。 @ 清溪鱼 It takes being a patient, in Dr Groopman's case, twice, to be a good doctor. @ Tempy Kimo 骨科那一章完全惊了!作者身为血液病专家,在自己的手腕出了问题后,也遭遇了长达三年本来完全可以避免的苦楚,不免想起艾芬医生的眼睛遭遇。医学领域内也如此隔行如隔山,我等普通人不免瑟瑟发抖。anyway,这本书诚恳坦率地让读者了解到医生这个职业本身的局限性,身为人类无法避免的局限性,读完,弱弱地增加了一点今后面对医生时的存在感。 @ 水龙吟 医生在做诊断的时候会有各种认知偏误。循证医学也有其局限性,各种仪器和表格是很好的工具,但是要合理赋权。怎样做出最合理的决策,运用各种资源,减小商业化影响,回归到以人为本的主旨,是值得借鉴的。 @ 夕颜 这课终于结束了,我彻底厌烦了。 @ 随处可见的熊 互相提问与解答加固信赖关系,医患共同努力才能作出更好的诊断。 @ 终身学习者^_^ 医学作为科学与人文的交叉学科,复杂的情况决定了发展的艰难。本书从医生与患者,医生自身的认知错误,影像医生与专科医生,家庭医生与专科医生,医生与药厂等等很多角度 试图让我们了解整个医疗行业的动态过程。“当医生最重要的是一颗心,一颗排除万难也要将病人救活的心。”这曾经燃起学医热情的一句话,至今看来,是多么的不易!医生们,加油!很推荐学医的孩子们和就医的患者们看



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