Picture This

书名:Picture ThisHowPicturesWork
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Everyone knows that a picture tells a thousand words. But what about the elements that make up a picture? Using the tale of Little Red Riding Hood as an example, Molly Bang uses boldly graphic artwork to explain how images—and their individual components—work to tell a story that engages the emotions: Why are diagonals dramatic? Why are curves calming? Why does red feel hot and blue feel cold? First published in 1991, Picture This fans will welcome the new edition's striking redesign and introduce its insights to many other artists and art appreciators alike.


Molly Bang is an award winning children's book illustrator and author. Her

works include 3 Caldecott Honor Books: Ten, Nine, Eight, The Grey Lady and the

Strawberry Snatcher, and When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry, which

also won a Jane Addams Honor Award and the Arbuthnot Award. The Paper Crane

won the Boston Globe/Horn Book Award in 1987; Goose won the School of Library

Journal Best Book of 1996 and another work, Common Ground: The Water, Earth,

and Air We Share, won the prestigious Giverny Book Award in 1998 for the best

children's science picture book. Her latest book, My Light, is an ALA Notable


Her only work for adults is Picture This, which shows how an understanding of

the most basic principles enable a person to build powerful pictures. It is

used by art and graphic departments in colleges around the country.

Bang received her bachelor degree from Wellesley in French, and Masters in

Far Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona and at Harvard. She has also

worked as a reporter; as an educator for public health projects in Bangladesh

and in Mali, West Africa, incorporating information on maternal and child

health into stories; and as a teacher in colleges.


@ Bittersweet 我翻译了这本书,放在简书上了,http://www.jianshu.com/p/1d0b107f2aea @ 逆逆 用很简单的图片和语言介绍了一些基本的平面设计原理 @ WATER MAN http://johnsonsr.spps.org/uploads/molly_bang_how_pictures_work.pdf @ 陈灼 大道至简,值得看一百遍。书后附的练习一定要做一次。 @ 歪我麋鹿辣 简单易读的小书,绘画更重要的是营造一种氛围,一种概念,具体的细节倒不是那么重要了,所谓神似。(或许通过坚持的训练模仿,能做到画和真实物体无异;但能够做到神似却是需要感知能力和领悟能力的,是需要灵性和思考的,是更高明的绘画吧。) @ 小火把在闲逛 理论方面总感觉略浅,但是图示讲解做得很好。喜欢小红帽的那幅画,也喜欢作者对于重力、情感与记忆、空间与时间的阐释;看到最后有点泪目。 @ 款冬君 最开始的例子彻底把我吸引住,然后结合心理学介绍原理。通过颜色、形状、大小、方向和对比的调整去达到构图的最优,传达想要表达的内容。看上去很简单,但很有启发。 @ 秋黎相柳翁 How do you use 3 colors of construction papers, a white paper, a scissor, a glue stick and a pencil to depict the memory of a childhood fear? @ 逍遙水母 循循善诱


  • 神奇玛莎拉蒂 陈洛阳感觉自己穿越的姿势不对。  穿越过来,居然把世间最顶尖强者,尊号魔皇的魔教教主给夺舍了。  一般不都是有大能强者出意外,剩下顽强的一缕神魂不散,然后占据一个底层苦逼少年的身体,夺舍重生,接着一路逆袭,东山再起?  又或者穿越穿到苦逼少年身上,得金手指开启成神之路?  为什么我这节奏不对啊。  现在周围全是大佬,我感觉我快暴露了。  怎么办?  在线等。  急!
    —— 引自第1页
  • P42Smooth, flat, horizontal shapes give us a sense of stability and calm.p44Vertical shapes are more exciting and more active. Vertical shapes rebel against the earth's gravity. They imply energy and a reaching toward heights or the heavens.p46Diagonal shapes are dynamic because they imply motion or tension.P54The upper half of a picture is a place of freedom, happiness, and triumph; objects placed in the top half often feel more "spiritual".p56The bottom half of a picture feels more threatened, heavier, sadder, or constrained; objects placed in the bottom half also feel more grounded.P62The center of the page is the most effective "center of attention."It is the point of greatest attraction.p66The closer an object is to the edge or to the center, the greater the tension…
    —— 引自第1页
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