书名:One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
豆瓣评分: 7.6
First published in 1936, One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 is the long out-of-print book that Warren Buffett's biographers credit with shaping the legendary investor's business acumen and giving him his trademark appreciation of compound interest. After pulling a copy of One Thousand Ways off a library shelf at age eleven and devouring F.C. Minaker's plucky and practical business advice, Buffett declared that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 35. Written in the immediate, conversational style of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, this book is full of inventive ideas on how to make money through excellent salesmanship, hard work, and resourcefulness. While some of the ideas may seem quaint today-goat dairying, manufacturing motor-driven chairs, and renting out billiard tables to local establishments are among the money-making ideas presented- the underlying fundamentals of business explained in these pages remain as solid as they were over seventy years ago. Covering a wide spectrum of topics including investing, marketing, merchandising, sales, customer relations, and raising money for charity, One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 is both a durable, classic business book and a fascinating portrait of determined entrepreneurship in Depression-era America. Every effort has been made to reproduce the content exactly as it was originally presented.
@ 一升 Hard work alone will not bring you success. But hard work and a definite goal will do the trick. 巴菲特在传记中推荐这本 1936 年首次出版的神书,书中的道理拿在现在依然非常时髦,少年巴菲特读从这本书受到很大启发 👏 @ 大陈 巴菲特推荐. 他小时候看的但是我觉得这也确实比较适合小孩子来看,偏启蒙,故事型的书籍,而且相对来说比较老了,很多故事是淘汰的商业模式,虽然也有一些商业本质的内容可以借鉴.密度不算大. 没有全部看完.比较适合入门,但是比较尴尬的是,只有英文版,在我们母语不是英语的情况下,能够比较流畅的阅读的时候应该已经比较大了. @ 王五百 一星给英文版。所谓的中文版,不过是英语糟糕透顶的私人读者利用机器复制黏贴翻译出来卖。且不论其英文语法如何,就连基本的中文句法都不通,实在令人发指,连基本的中文句子都不收拾一下。这到底是有多缺钱? @ 马尔代夫的驴 巴菲特推荐. 他小时候看的但是我觉得这也确实比较适合小孩子来看,偏启蒙,故事型的书籍,而且相对来说比较老了,很多故事是淘汰的商业模式,虽然也有一些商业本质的内容可以借鉴.密度不算大. 没有全部看完.比较适合入门,但是比较尴尬的是,只有英文版,在我们母语不是英语的情况下,能够比较流畅的阅读的时候应该已经比较大了. @ 丘品焕 这本书应该骗了不少人吧。。 @ 豆友195870726 华尔街之狼这本书的大部分内容跟这里面的类似,说明做销售的其实无外乎就是这个套路!