Object-Oriented Ontology

书名:Object-Oriented OntologyANewTheoryofEverything
豆瓣评分: 7.9


What is reality, really? Are humans more special or important than the non-human objects we perceive? How does this change the way we understand the world? We humans tend to believe that things are only real in as much as we perceive them, an idea reinforced by modern philosophy, which privileges us as special, radically different in kind from all other objects. But as Graham Harman, one of the theory's leading exponents, shows, Object-Oriented Ontology rejects the idea of human specialness: the world, he states, is clearly not the world as manifest to humans. At the heart of this philosophy is the idea that objects – whether real, fictional, natural, artificial, human or non-human – are mutually autonomous. In this brilliant new introduction, Graham Harman lays out the history, ideas and impact of Object-Oriented Ontology, taking in everything from art and literature, politics and natural science along the way.


Graham Harman is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at SCI-Arc, Los Angeles (on leave from the American University in Cairo). A key figure in the contemporary speculative realism movement in philosophy and for his development of object-oriented ontology, he was named by Art Review magazine as one of the 100 most influential figures in international art.


@ 丁萌 区分Real Object/ Sensual Object/ Real Quality/ Sensual Quality 四个象限,以不同的组合来解释美学政治学知识论各种领域;针对的是德国古典哲学那一路讲求主体性和关系性的思路;立足点在于无法被涵盖进任何关系之中的、无法被直接触碰到的object。分析味道浓郁的欧陆哲学问题,难道现在流行这么搞吗…作者对自己这一派的理论迷之自信,在书里比较了好多思想家和OOO(object-oriented ontology的简称,每次看到都感觉被自动和谐)的异同之处并说明OOO怎么解决了那些思想家的内部困难,但其实无论是阐释还是比较都极为外在、无法服人。以美学为核心+改造康德的大方向或许存在希望,但OOO尚未出现分量足够的作者。 @ Shone 从某方面介入“物”的研究,是不是都会对其他方面的介入“无感”?大家都是在谈一样的东西,用不一样的词句而已。学术生产而已。 @ 花生没有米 现在的各路新实在论除了论述上看起来更规范,相对于柏格森有任何实质性变革吗?OOO还是不那么规范的一种。勉强算是有一点点启发性的部分还是来源于Ortega关于隐喻与存在的分析,以及其中暗含的物的伦理问题。然而有《杜伊诺哀歌》珠玉在前,在这个大命题的讨论中看不到有任何提及Harman的必要。 @ Cantopia OOO之思想史 @ 朝彻彻 补标,我可能还是太古板,看着晕 @ FoundObject 非常之culty..


  • This is also true in the sciences, as can be seen with especial ease in a field such as organic chemistry: all organic compounds contain carbon, but there are millions of organic compounds, each with its own unique features. Sometimes the defenders of emergence push their luck and make unnecessary additional claims, asserting for instance that the features of organic compounds ‘could not have been predicted’ from the features of carbon. But quantum chemistry does allow us to predict the properties of larger molecules before they are actually created. And predictability is not even the point, since even if we could predict the features of all larger entities from their ultimate physical constituents, the ability to predict would not change the fact that the larger entity actually possesses …
    —— 引自第31页
  • But if literalism is inherently flawed, then OOO suggests, then knowledge production cannot be the sole or even primary purpose of education. It will be crucial to educate students for taste more than currently happens: not just in order to detect 'flamboyant and velvety Pinots', but so as to become connoisseurs of the subtle background rather than the literal foreground of any situation.
    —— 引自章节:Aesthetics Is the Root of All
  •   Pelican Books(共27册),这套丛书还有《The Domesticated Brain》《Human Evolution》《Architecture》《The Meaning Of Science》《Hermeneutics》等。


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