书名:Mathematica Cookbook
豆瓣评分: 7.6
As the leading software application for symbolic mathematics, Mathematica is standard in many environments that rely on math, such as science, engineering, financial analysis, software development, and many other fields. This cookbook provides practical solutions on a wide range of topics for anyone using this remarkable program — whether you need a sophisticated tool for data visualization, or just want to play around with math in a visual way. As the leading software application for symbolic mathematics, Mathematica is standard in many environments that rely on math, such as science, engineering, financial analysis, software development, and many other fields. This cookbook provides practical solutions on a wide range of topics for anyone using this remarkable program. Whether you want to use it for high school algebra, PhD-level computation, simple graphs, financial analysis, or advanced engineering models, you'll find the recipes in Mathematica Cookbook extremely useful and informative. With key support from Mathematica's developer, Wolfram Research, this authoritative cookbook covers Mathematica 7, the major new release of the software, with recipes on three-dimensional imagining, audio processing, calculations from mathematics and physics, image processing, distributed computing, and much more from key people in the Mathematica community. If you need a sophisticated tool with animation and interaction features for data visualization, or just want to play around with math in a visual way, Mathematica Cookbook is ideal for professionals and hobbyists from all walks of life.
@ p1@YeR 著者的确是努力想把mathematica功能和其中的陷阱一一展示,但是这本书的确架构很有问题,不适合入门,适合有一定基础的人读一遍查漏补缺。比如2D 3D绘图、音频视频处理的章节居然放在微积分、统计应用和调试方法章节之前。这种顺序匪夷所思。 @ Locke 一本中规中矩的入门教程 @ Zee 我在其他关于mma的书里面从没见过传授如何使用金融数据等等,和实际操作密切相关的实例代码,这本书很有补充知识的价值 @ Johiten 没看完, MMA果然在平时不太用得到. @ sequoia Mathmatica是非常强大的软件,很多功能对于理工科的科研人员是不能缺少的。这本书的篇幅很长,只能当作工具书来使用。在有特定需要的时候进行查阅,无法像看其他的书那样一气看完。 @ sequoia Mathmatica是非常强大的软件,很多功能对于理工科的科研人员是不能缺少的。这本书的篇幅很长,只能当作工具书来使用。在有特定需要的时候进行查阅,无法像看其他的书那样一气看完。 @ Zee 我在其他关于mma的书里面从没见过传授如何使用金融数据等等,和实际操作密切相关的实例代码,这本书很有补充知识的价值 @ Johiten 没看完, MMA果然在平时不太用得到. @ 聚丙烯 相当有诚意的一本书。特别是前面几个章节把functional programming的基本观点和方法讲解得很透彻。因为从来没有接触过这种编程方式,有时有醍醐灌顶的感觉。后面的章节可以当作参考目录用。 @ p1@YeR 著者的确是努力想把mathematica功能和其中的陷阱一一展示,但是这本书的确架构很有问题,不适合入门,适合有一定基础的人读一遍查漏补缺。比如2D 3D绘图、音频视频处理的章节居然放在微积分、统计应用和调试方法章节之前。这种顺序匪夷所思。
O'Reilly Cookbook(共20册),这套丛书还有《JavaScript Cookbook》《Arduino Cookbook》《Java Cookbook, Second Edition》《Bash Cookbook》《HTML5 Cookbook》等。