Invisible Women

书名:Invisible WomenExposingDataBiasinaWorldDesignedforMen
豆瓣评分: 9.1


Imagine a world where your phone is too big for your hand, where your doctor prescribes a drug that is wrong for your body, where in a car accident you are 47% more likely to be seriously injured, where every week the countless hours of work you do are not recognised or valued. If any of this sounds familiar, chances are that you're a woman. Invisible Women shows us how, in a world largely built for and by men, we are systematically ignoring half the population. It exposes the gender data gap – a gap in our knowledge that is at the root of perpetual, systemic discrimination against women, and that has created a pervasive but invisible bias with a profound effect on women’s lives. Award-winning campaigner and writer Caroline Criado Perez brings together for the first time an impressive range of case studies, stories and new research from across the world that illustrate the hidden ways in which women are forgotten, and the impact this has on their health and well-being. From government policy and medical research, to technology, workplaces, urban planning and the media, Invisible Women reveals the biased data that excludes women. In making the case for change, this powerful and provocative book will make you see the world anew.


Caroline Criado Perez is a writer, broadcaster, and feminist activist, named Liberty Human Rights Campaigner of the Year and OBE by the Queen. She has a degree in English language and literature from the University of Oxford, and she studied behavioral and feminist economics at the London School of Economics. She lives in London.


@ 酸奶 本书探讨了大数据时代下的性别数据鸿沟。这个专为男性设计和由男性建造的世界忽略了一半人口的需求,从数据收集阶段就发生了“男性偏倚”(male-bias)。作者为我们揭示了政府政策、城市规划、职场环境、医学研究和生活用品的设计是如何普遍又无形地忽略女性的需求,如何给女性的生活产生不利影响的。作者为读者开启一个全新的认识世界的视角,以此反思生活中那些普遍的性别歧视。想要实现性别平等,就需要认识到男女存在差异,并从女性的需求去设计制度、产品、服务,尊重和支持她们的选择。而要让女性的需求被考虑,就要欢迎女性参与到各领域的决策中来,让她们的声音被听到,才能让社会上一半的人口不再隐形。 @ 希培 作者还是有在认真写书的,数据也蛮多。我只是一直不太明白把性别研究搞成性别对立的意义何在。宇宙和历史大部分情况下是无序的,但越能从无序中找到有序(无论男女),谁就有历史的话语权,而非谁把感情/感觉(如果非要说这是女性中心视角的话)表达地越清楚谁就有话语权。个体的人、人类存在的根本目的是繁衍、发展,只有有序的领导者才能书写历史。讲性别平等的目标设立在追求媒体、制度、公共设施的比率公平上(不是说这些不重要),非要强行建立二元对立(且不论还有gender is a spectrum主义兴起),并不能解决根本问题啊。


Introduction: The Default Male
Part I: Daily Life
Chapter 1: Can Snow-Clearing be Sexist?
Chapter 2: Gender Neutral With Urinals
Part II: The Workplace
Chapter 3: The Long Friday
Chapter 4: The Myth of Meritocracy
Chapter 5: The Henry Higgins Effect
Chapter 6: Being Worth Less Than a Shoe
Part III: Design
Chapter 7: The Plough Hypothesis
Chapter 8: One-Size-Fits-Men
Chapter 9: A Sea of Dudes
Part IV: Going to the Doctor
Chapter 10: The Drugs Don’t Work
Chapter 11: Yentl Syndrome
Part V: Public Life
Chapter 12: A Costless Resource to Exploit
Chapter 13: From Purse to Wallet
Chapter 14: Women’s Rights are Human Rights
Part VI: When it Goes Wrong
Chapter 15: Who Will Rebuild?
Chapter 16: It’s Not the Disaster that Kills You
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  • 我曾短暂约会过一个男人,他为了在争论中赢过我,就说我被意识形态蒙蔽了双眼。他说我不能客观地看待世界,也不能理性地看待世界,因为我是女权主义者,用女权主义的视角看待一切。当我指出这对他(他自认为是自由主义者)来说也成立时,他予以反驳。不,他的看法是客观的,是常识——波伏瓦所说的“绝对真理”。对他来说,他看世界的方式是普遍的,而女权主——从女性的角度看世界一是小众的,是意识形态。
    —— 引自章节:引语 默认的男性
  • 女性總是在工作。她們做著沒有薪水可領的工作、低薪的工作、不受人重視的工作、看不見的工作,但她們從未停止工作。然而,現代的工作環境不適於女性生存。從工作的位置、時數到標準法規,一直以來全都是依照男性的生活而設計,但如今已不符合它們最初設立的目的。勞動界必須全面革新———不管是法規、設備還是文化———而且新設計必須依女性生理構造與生活方式來決定。我們必須了解,女性做的工作並不是某種附加效益,某種我們不需要的紅利:女性的工作包含支薪與無薪層面,而且她們的付出是支持我們社會和整體經濟的骨幹。重視女性工作的時代已經到來。P164
    —— 引自章节:第四章 用人唯才的神話
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