Cutting for Stone

书名:Cutting for Stone
豆瓣评分: 9.4


Marion and Shiva Stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between a beautiful Indian nun and a brash British surgeon. Orphaned by their mother’s death and their father’s disappearance, bound together by a preternatural connection and a shared fascination with medicine, the twins come of age as Ethiopia hovers on the brink of revolution. Moving from Addis Ababa to New York City and back again, Cutting for Stone is an unforgettable story of love and betrayal, medicine and ordinary miracles—and two brothers whose fates are forever intertwined.


Abraham Verghese, MD, MACP, is Professor for the Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Senior Associate Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine.

Born of Indian parents who were teachers in Ethiopia, he grew up near Addis Ababa and began his medical training there. When Emperor Haile Selassie was deposed, he completed his training at Madras Medical College and went to the United States for his residency as one of many foreign medical graduates. Like many others, he found only the less popular hospitals and communities open to him, an experience he described in one of his early New Yorker articles, The Cowpath to America.

From Johnson City, Tennessee, where he was a resident from 1980 to 1983, he did his fellowship at Boston University School of Medicine, working at Boston City Hospital for two years. It was here that he first saw the early signs of the HIV epidemic and later, when he returned to Johnson City as an assistant professor of medicine, he saw the second epidemic, rural AIDS, and his life took the turn for which he is most well known ? his caring for numerous AIDS patients in an era when little could be done and helping them through their early and painful deaths was often the most a physician could do.

His work with terminal patients and the insights he gained from the deep relationships he formed and the suffering he saw were intensely transformative; they became the basis for his first book, My Own Country : A Doctor's Story, written later during his years in El Paso, Texas. Such was his interest in writing that he decided to take some time away from medicine to study at the Iowa Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa, where he earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in 1991. Since then, his writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Texas Monthly, Atlantic, The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, Granta,, and The Wall Street Journal, among others.

Following Iowa, he became professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center in El Paso, Texas, where he lived for the next 11 years. In addition to writing his first book, which was one of five chosen as Best Book of the Year by Time magazine and later made into a Mira Nair movie, he also wrote a second best-selling book, The Tennis Partner : A Story of Friendship and Loss, about his friend and tennis partner?s struggle with addiction. This was a New York Times' Notable Book.


@ Char_S 一.在漫长的岁月和无尽的苦难中,他用爱消除了恨,用大度宽容了背叛,一部催人泪下的作品!二.主人公的不幸让我想起了《活着》,书中的背叛和救赎让我想起了《追风筝的人》,而宽容让我想起了The Choice: Embrace the Possible 三.Missing Hospital大家庭太让人温暖了,Gebrew, Almaz和Matron等他电话和打电话的桥段让我感动良久!四.书中出现大量医学术语,被虐惨了,好在用手机版Kindle读的,查词方便…… 五.医者仁心真的可以用在我曾经拜读过的几位医生作者身上,从卡勒德·胡赛尼到陶勇到Paul Kalanithi再到本书作者Abraham Verghese,作品中都透露出一种人性的光辉!六.亚马逊一生必读100本好书第32本get☑️! @ NoNo One of the very best reads- powerful, with many layers, weaving different places and characters into an unforgettable story- Ethiopia and America, with medicine being the main theme. The ending was not what I expected but quite fitting. @ Bruce爱生活 一.在漫长的岁月和无尽的苦难中,他用爱消除了恨,用大度宽容了背叛,一部催人泪下的作品!二.主人公的不幸让我想起了《活着》,书中的背叛和救赎让我想起了《追风筝的人》,而宽容让我想起了The Choice: Embrace the Possible 三.Missing Hospital大家庭太让人温暖了,Gebrew, Almaz和Matron等他电话和打电话的桥段让我感动良久!四.书中出现大量医学术语,被虐惨了,好在用手机版Kindle读的,查词方便…… 五.医者仁心真的可以用在我曾经拜读过的几位医生作者身上,从卡勒德·胡赛尼到陶勇到Paul Kalanithi再到本书作者Abraham Verghese,作品中都透露出一种人性的光辉!六.亚马逊一生必读100本好书第32本get☑️! @ 回不去到不了 宗教色彩很浓 传奇的故事 @ NoNo 从埃塞俄比亚到美国,从动乱到移民,从亲情到爱情爱与恨盘根错节,有些过错终将以命相还好一个细腻入微的故事,世间最深情的果然还是文学家(的文字 @ 牛油果和鸡蛋 历史背景非常吸引人,plot也很好,就是医疗术语真的有点多,Ghosh去逝的那一段真是哭死我了


  • 他记得持续不变的状况徒然准入平息,出现慑人的宁静。她上衣扣子开了。就像外科医生在切口下扩展组织面,他希望上衣开的再大些,也许他的鼻子和脸颊也为此出了力。她的乳头微微颤动,乳房从上衣里脱逃出来迎着他的唇。她的脸肯定是一面镜子,因为他在上面看到了自己恐惧和欲望交织的脸。
    —— 引自第472页
  • 有的夜晚,数量众多的蟋蟀鸣叫着,声音此起彼伏,淹没了山麓那边鬣狗的低吟和嘶吼。但是陡然间,万籁俱寂,彷佛点名结束,它们趁着夜色结伴撤退。在接下来的寂静中,我听见天上繁星的私语,内心狂喜,为自己在浩瀚银河中有渺小的一席而感激涕零。
    —— 引自章节:序 来临
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