A Woman Makes a Plan

书名:A Woman Makes a PlanAdviceforaLifetimeofAdventure,Beauty,andSuccess
豆瓣评分: 7.5


Maye Musk at seventy-one is a fashionable, charming, jet-setting supermodel with a fascinating and tight-knit circle of family and friends. But things were not always so easy or glamourous–she became a single mom at thirty-one years old, struggling through poverty to provide for her three children; dealt with weight issues as a plus-size model and overcame ageism in the modeling industry; and established a lifelong career as a respected dietician, all the while starting over in eight different cities across three countries and two continents. But she made her way through it all with an indomitable spirit and a no-nonsense attitude to become a global success at what she calls the "prime of her life." As the twenty-and thirty-somethings who follow her obsessively on social media know, Maye is a fount of frank and practical advice on how the choices you make in every decade can pay off in surprising, exciting ways throughout your life. In A Woman Makes a Plan, Maye shares experiences from her life conveying hard-earned wisdom on career (the harder you work, the luckier you get), family (let the people you love go their own way), health (there is no magic pill), and adventure (make room for discovery, but always be ready for anything). You can't control all that happens in life, but you can have the life you want at any age. All you have to do is make a plan.


MAYE MUSK is an international supermodel, registered dietitian-nutritionist, and worldwide speaker. Frequently featured in major fashion magazines, she has appeared on the cover Vanity Fair, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, New York Magazine, and Allure. Born in Canada, Maye lived in South Africa for several years and now resides in Los Angeles.


@ Ro ? 是很好喝的鸡汤,当英文阅读读完整本。主人公的经历让人由心佩服,作为独立、自强、掌控自己人生的女性典范之一,她从小受到家庭的影响而获得丰富阅历,因为有过多国的生活经历而对文化,对生活更加包容,一次次选择离开舒适圈。每一个勇敢的选择背后所需要付出难以想象的努力,她解答了我曾经懵懂有过的许多问题,而她的文字,是娓娓道来,朴实温暖,是年度最喜欢的书之一了。 @ funny※kid╬ 太過平鋪直敘了。同是出身南非,還是Patricia Noah比較神奇 @ 思小沛 很励志。看看别人,再看看自己,努力吧! @ 不说也罢 通俗易懂的英语,全书没多少单词需要查词典的。Maye Musk关于教育、事业、健康等给出的建议,算是自传了。虽然一直在强调 make a plan,但重点其实不在计划,重点是面对人生问题,迈出改变的第一步。之后我再整理一下笔记好了,有些建议对我来说还是很受用的。健康的身体,美满的家庭,喜欢的事业,亲密的朋友,这些也是我努力的目标吧。 @ iamrebecca What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!马斯克的妈妈,这个title说明一切。一个坚韧打不到永远在成长的优雅女性,role model. 能从她的人生中获得力量真是很棒。 @ 杂草 Amazing life story, terrible writing @ Asha a girl makes her plan @ Faye0406 写的非常的浅,很多观点都被人说烂了。一般不常弃读一本书,但实在觉得学不到什么,在第5章左右弃了。 @ 不说也罢 通俗易懂的英语,全书没多少单词需要查词典的。Maye Musk关于教育、事业、健康等给出的建议,算是自传了。虽然一直在强调 make a plan,但重点其实不在计划,重点是面对人生问题,迈出改变的第一步。之后我再整理一下笔记好了,有些建议对我来说还是很受用的。健康的身体,美满的家庭,喜欢的事业,亲密的朋友,这些也是我努力的目标吧。 @ farewell Audiobook,作者的南非口音很别致,书就有点凑数之嫌


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