A Mathematician Plays The Stock Market

书名:A Mathematician Plays The Stock Market
豆瓣评分: 7.0


From America's liveliest writer on mathematics, a witty and insightful book on the stock market and the irrepressibility of our dreams of wealth. In A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market best-selling author John Allen Paulos demonstrates what the tools of mathematics can tell us about the vagaries of the stock market. Employing his trademark stories, vignettes, paradoxes, and puzzles (and even a film treatment), Paulos addresses every thinking reader's curiosity about the market: Is it efficient? Is it rational? Is there anything to technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and other supposedly time-tested methods of picking stocks? How can one quantify risk? What are the most common scams? What light do fractals, network theory, and common psychological foibles shed on investor behavior? Are there any approaches to investing that truly outperform the major indexes? Can a deeper knowledge of mathematics help beat the odds? All of these questions are explored with the engaging erudition that made Paulos's A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper and Innumeracy favorites with both armchair mathematicians and readers who want to think like them. Paulos also shares the cautionary tale of his own long and disastrous love affair with WorldCom. In the tradition of Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street and Jeremy Siegel's Stocks for the Long Run , this wry and illuminating book is for anyone, investor or not, who follows the markets-or knows someone who does.



@ [已注销] 有点神叨了。看着玩吧。像在讲自组织的事情。 @ 大毛光光头 讲些基本道理吧, nothing new. @ 宝宝TWO 坦白来说,情感上这本书让我很难受,因为里面说的很多行为,心态我都有,可是,它很对。我常常想,明明知道怎么样做是对的,但是做不到,很不应该 @ 不要留名字好了 mathematical metaphors that may have something to do with the stock market @ 霹雳大叔 坚持读完了,一本没深度还错误百出,没系统性的书 @ 何民三 竟然小看我塔勒布… @ shellway 讲的不错,解决了每个人投身股市的心理问题。 @ 宝宝TWO 坦白来说,情感上这本书让我很难受,因为里面说的很多行为,心态我都有,可是,它很对。我常常想,明明知道怎么样做是对的,但是做不到,很不应该 @ 不要留名字好了 mathematical metaphors that may have something to do with the stock market @ [已注销] 有点神叨了。看着玩吧。像在讲自组织的事情。



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