Young Money

书名:Young MoneyInsidetheHiddenWorldofWallStreet'sPost-CrashRecruits
豆瓣评分: 7.6


Every summer, thousands of top college graduates pack their bags and head to Wall Street to start new lives as investment bankers and traders. Even after massive economic collapse, a career in the financial industry remains a tempting path for many of America's best and brightest. But what happens to these financiers-in-the-making once they get down to business? YOUNG MONEY is an unprecedented (and unauthorised) trip inside the well-guarded subculture of the young investment bankers and traders who have come to work on Wall Street since the financial crisis of 2008. Author Kevin Roose spent more than three years shadowing eight first and second-year workers at Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and other leading investment firms. Through hundreds of interviews and mountains of original reporting, Roose became a fly-on-the-wall for the college recruiting sessions, pre-hire training programs, 100-hour workweeks, big bonuses, and wild parties that characterise the young Wall Street experience. But he also saw the self-doubt and soul-searching that seeped into the financial industry after the crisis, and the psychological effects that the industry's struggles had on twenty-somethings whose careers were just getting started. YOUNG MONEY is more than just a sordid cultural exposé filled with 'models and bottles' excess; it is also an accessible look at the financial world's bottom rung, and the story of how the economic collapse changed a genreation's attitude toward money and success. In the same way that Scott Turow painted a vivid portrait of first-year Harvard Law students in One L, YOUNG MONEY reveals the undiluted voices of the young people on the front lines who are poised to rebuild Wall Street from the ground up.


Kevin Roose is a business writer at New York magazine. Previously, he was a staff reporter for The New York Times, where he covered Wall Street for the newspaper and for DealBook, the Times' award-winning financial news site. He is the author of The Unlikely Disciple, which was published in 2009. Kevin's work has been featured in GQ, Esquire, SPIN, ESPN: The Magazine, and other publications. He lives in New York and Berkeley, California.


@ [已注销] tethering @ apocalY*ptic13 Time to get a countdown clock and hang it on my HK apartment. @ CZ 书里的故事仿佛看到了以前的自己 再回想起以前的心态和做的类似的决定 庆幸现在的自己少了些浮躁 多了些定力 @ 【注销】 They are PHDs in a new post-crisis era– Poor, Hungry, and Driven @ kidpt 心有戚戚焉 Black Diamond的人们是偶像 相较之下自身的想法比较贴近对金融业有向往 但想在持有高薪工作同时寻求人生真正的方向 简而言之 我只是个想挣了钱去搞文艺的单纯少年啊! [大雾] 仍在入行路上艰难前行 且战且走吧! @ CZ 书里的故事仿佛看到了以前的自己 再回想起以前的心态和做的类似的决定 庆幸现在的自己少了些浮躁 多了些定力 @ 雨荷能量棒 适合在海外想进投行咨询的大学生+职场新人 @ Rachel L. 三年萝卜干饭的生活之后,大家的面前还是会有不一样的路径。本科毕业了去了四大,银行,咨询,除非真爱或者爱财,出来的人还是要出来。当然你也可以说这些公司至少给我高薪,但是很憋屈地拿着高薪其实也是一种浪费,浪费发现自己真爱的时间成本和精力成本啊。| 幻想能写这本书的上海滩版本。 @ 下雪の逝夜 建议想去投行工作的人先读读看 @ Djando 不得不佩服作者的文字能力,就这么几个华尔街新人的烦恼,竟然能写了快300页,不过受不了这个作者的语气,哀声叹气的,感觉华尔街就跟世界末日源头一样,但是不是真那样,从他描述的故事中,我是没看出来。



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