Who Gets What — and Why

书名:Who Gets What — and WhyTheNewEconomicsofMatchmakingandMarketDesign
豆瓣评分: 8.5


A Nobel laureate reveals the often surprising rules that govern a vast array of activities — both mundane and life-changing — in which money may play little or no role. If you’ve ever sought a job or hired someone, applied to college or guided your child into a good kindergarten, asked someone out on a date or been asked out, you’ve participated in a kind of market. Most of the study of economics deals with commodity markets, where the price of a good connects sellers and buyers. But what about other kinds of “goods,” like a spot in the Yale freshman class or a position at Google? This is the territory of matching markets, where “sellers” and “buyers” must choose each other, and price isn’t the only factor determining who gets what. Alvin E. Roth is one of the world’s leading experts on matching markets. He has even designed several of them, including the exchange that places medical students in residencies and the system that increases the number of kidney transplants by better matching donors to patients. In Who Gets What — And Why, Roth reveals the matching markets hidden around us and shows how to recognize a good match and make smarter, more confident decisions.


Alvin Roth, PhD, is the McCaw Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and is one of the world’s leading experts in the fields of market design and game theory. He was the co-recipient of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Economics.


@ mangorun 燃。希望我哥能再给我推荐一本Market Design的入门读物,比这本稍微technical一点的那种。#进击的地瓜妹# @ 微、漠 毕竟诺奖得主的通俗读物,看完这本书后再看Market Design的Handbook发现和Introduction内容基本一样。我总觉得我们应该寻求一种比现有的语言更高效的一种交流方式……(这样就不用忍受英文中文文言文的信息之间的障碍专注于内容本身了) @ 叮当想旅行 对市场机制在肾脏移植的配对与促进做了详细的描写,讨论了在市场下的伦理与法规。经济学确实应该多渗透到生活的各方各面,无论好的坏的(不是完全可控的),有更多的样品,才能更好地观察、反思,与改进。其中的市场配对设计很有启发。 @ 长亭. 好书!读着有点上瘾。 @ brucas 真不错!一些创新性的理念运用在实际生活中并创造真正的价值。真没想到高考中的“平行志愿”是得了诺贝尔经济学奖的market design在现实中的运用。关于kidney exchange的阐述也完全和之前读到的“捐肾门”相契合。作者最后两章写得真是乐观啊,佩服这种积极的心态。(广图055)


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