What is this thing called Knowledge?

书名:What is this thing called Knowledge?4thEdition
豆瓣评分: 8.4


What is knowledge? Where does it come from? What kinds of knowledge are there? Can we know anything at all? What is the practical relevance of learning about epistemology? This lucid and engaging introduction grapples with these central questions in the theory of knowledge, offering a clear, non-partisan view of the main themes of epistemology. Both traditional issues and contemporary ideas are discussed in twenty easily digestible chapters, each of which conclude with a useful summary of the main ideas discussed, study questions, annotated further reading and a guide to internet resources. Each chapter also features text boxes providing bite-sized summaries of key concepts and major philosophers, and clear and interesting examples are used throughout. The book concludes with an annotated guide to general introductions to epistemology, a glossary of key terms, and a summary of the main examples used in epistemology. This an ideal first textbook in the theory of knowledge for undergraduates coming to philosophy for the first time. The fourth edition has been revised and updated throughout and features four new chapters on applied epistemology, covering the relationship between the theory of knowledge and technology, education, law, and politics. In addition, the text as a whole has been refreshed to keep it up to date with current developments.



@ szgrcH 入门之入门,感觉过于浅显了 @ SuSo really nice and friendly intro (though somewhat verbose..) to modern epistemology @ Shinji 无论是内容还是语言都非常友好,当然免不了有些简略。每章结尾处提供的进一步学习的资料十分有用。非常适合初学者。 @ @.@ 挺好玩的 @ 济岱江衡 算是看过了吧(疑惑脸 @ szgrcH 成也简略,败也简略 @ NIL part 1, part 2, ch 11, part 5 @ Shangri-laaa 读了前几章,更像是类似牛津通识系列的那种面向大众的入门读物 @ Peisianax 极好的导论


  What is this thing called?(共8册),这套丛书还有《What is this thing called Metaphysics?》《What is this thing called Ethics?》《What is this thing called Philosophy of Language?》《What is this thing called Global Justice?》《What is this thing called Metaethics?》等。


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