《风险投资手册》涵盖了关于筹集风险资本需要知识的所有内容。不管您是正在创办一家企业、购买一家企业,还是在为扩乡企业寻找资本,这本书都将告诉您该如何做。您将学会如何与合适的风险投资公司接触,以及了解到一份能吸引风险投资人注意的成功的商业计划必须注意的细节。 本手册系统论述了商业计划书的编制、与风险投资人的会议和谈判、将商业协议付诸文字的承诺函、令人生畏的风险投资人对企业的尽职调查、...
《风险投资手册》涵盖了关于筹集风险资本需要知识的所有内容。不管您是正在创办一家企业、购买一家企业,还是在为扩乡企业寻找资本,这本书都将告诉您该如何做。您将学会如何与合适的风险投资公司接触,以及了解到一份能吸引风险投资人注意的成功的商业计划必须注意的细节。 本手册系统论述了商业计划书的编制、与风险投资人的会议和谈判、将商业协议付诸文字的承诺函、令人生畏的风险投资人对企业的尽职调查、...
From America's liveliest writer on mathematics, a witty and insightful book on the stock market and the irrepressibility of our dreams of wealth. In A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market...
Book Description A decade has passed since the book that introduced Warren Buffett to the world - The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom - first appeared. Since then, Buffett has solid...
个人亲证历史,利昂・利维见证并参与了市场的每一次风云突变。无论对于经济界还是股票市场,本书横跨的50年左右的时间都具有划时代的意义。在每一个阶段,不管是好是坏,利维认识到关键是要理解产生公司利润的因素和投资者的心理。他的经历告诉我们如何从每一次金融漩涡中提取需要的投资视角,如何通过动态考察经济政策、市场心理、投资者行为来确定投资方向,此外,他还透露了利维家族独特的投资秘方。 本书...
This book is about trading, the people who trade securities and contracts, the marketplaces where they trade, and the rules that govern it. Readers will learn about investors, brokers, dealers...
在线阅读本书 Book Description The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing "By resisting both the popular tendency to use gimmicks that oversimplify securities analysis and the...
Get the bestselling guide to trading systems, now updated for the 21st century. For more than two decades, futures traders have turned to the classic Trading Systems and Methods for complete in...
More than one million hardcovers soldNow available for the first time in paperback!The Classic Text Annotated to Update Graham s Timeless Wisdom for Today s Market ConditionsThe greatest investm...
Leo Melamed 在《逃向期货》中文译本出版典礼上的讲话 十分荣幸能出席今天的庆祝会。在此我由衷地感谢百家出版社承接了我的回忆录《逃向期货》一书的中文译本的出版发行工作。这是继日文译本之后,我的回忆录第二次受此殊荣。 我还要感谢我的朋友上海期货交易所首席执行官江杨, 理事长王丽华女士,杨柯,陈含。没有他们的努力这本书也不可能...
A gripping tale of adventure, danger and humor, peppered with investment tips from a Wall Street legend The best–selling author of Investment Biker takes a fascinating journey through the world′...