The World in Guangzhou

书名:The World in GuangzhouAfricansandOtherForeignersinSouthChina’sGlobalMarketplace
豆瓣评分: 8.2


Mere decades ago, the population of Guangzhou was almost wholly Chinese. Today, it is a truly global city, a place where people from around the world go to make new lives, find themselves, or further their careers. A large number of those migrants are small-scale traders from Africa who deal in Chinese goods—often knock-offs or copies of high-end branded items—to send back to their home countries. In The World in Guangzhou, Gordon Mathews explores the question of how the city became such a center of "low-end" globalization and shows what we can learn from that experience similar transformations elsewhere in the world. Through detailed ethnographic portraits, Mathews reveals a world of globalization based on informality, reputation, and trust rather than on formal contracts. How, he asks, can such informal relationships emerge between two groups—Chinese and Sub-Saharan Africans—that don't share a common language, culture, or religion? And what happens when Africans move beyond their status as temporary residents and begin to put down roots and establish families? Full of unforgettable characters, The World in Guangzhou presents a compelling account of globalization at ground level and offers a look into the future of urban life as transnational connections continue to remake cities around the world.


Gordon Mathews is professor of anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Linessa Dan Lin is a Ph.D. candidate in the Anthropology Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Yang Yang graduated with a master of philosophy in anthropology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


@ SALE 其实这本书还不错,至少对于一个从来没去过广州小北的人来说,它很生动的描述了在小北做生意的非洲人的生活状态。本书认为,中国社会从单一文化到世界性文化的转变是必然的趋势,“中国将不再是中国人的社会”,而变成世界上不同背景人们的家园。这书写得很散,主要就是田野对象作为主体的描述,虽然作者说希望非学术性的写作能够面向更广泛的读者,但读本书有种作者做完了田野但是不想写论文了,就把田野材料堆在一起这种感觉,像麦高登这样的大学者应该多做点理论贡献吧(显然他是不想贡献了)… @ momo 立场先行,春秋笔法,行文幼稚的好像是高中作文,另外田野调查的数据时效性太差,12年的数据,在19年才出的港版,不清楚现在的广州和麦高登教授这本书还有多少重合,尤其是经历19-22三年,在如此天罗地网般的行程码/健康码的管理下,很好奇那些非法滞留者们的处境又如何呢?林丹和杨瑒老师应该做一个update啊。 @ 西西弗旅人 读的是19年的中文版。比之作者基于其学术背景的乐观,我是持相反的态度的。至少就目前看来,某地始终不是一个现代社会的状态,当其真正实现现代化转型的那天,作者期望的多元化的城市方有可能的到来。只是,目前我们还看不到这天。 @ 大白鲨 因为最近在小北住,也考虑过去非洲工作,所以拜读了这本书。文本内容很扎实有趣,看下来之后对关于黑非洲及黑人的负面评价也有了一些不同的见解~以及更喜欢人类学了~最后,发现自己有潜在的严重的种族歧视和右翼倾向,要多反思一下~


1 Introduction
What This Book Is About
Impressions of Guangzhou
A Brief History of Foreigners in Guangzhou
Foreign Places in Guangzhou
How This Book’s Research Was Done
2 Foreigners in Guangzhou
“The Chinese Dream”: Stories of Eight Foreigners
Rich Foreigner, Poor Foreigner
Race and Money
Foreign Communities: Japanese and Nigerians
The Power of Rumor
Foreigners’ Attitudes toward China and Chinese
3 African-Chinese Relations
African Traders in Guangzhou: An Overview
Business Deception and Cheating
Quarrels between Africans and Chinese
Chinese Views of Africans
African Views of Chinese
4 Low-End Globalization
Low-End Globalization/High-End Globalization
How Low-End Globalization Works: Sourcing, Money, Copies, and Customs
Accounts of Low-End Globalization
Low-End Globalization’s Circuits
5 Legal-Illegal in Guangzhou
Two Paths, Legal and Illegal
Visa and Passport Worries, Jail and Deportation
Accounts of Overstayers and Friends
6 Logistics Agents, Middlemen, and Cultural Brokers
Logistics Agents
Cultural Brokers
Accounts of Logistics Agents, Middlemen, and Cultural Brokers
7 Religion in a Foreign World
“I Believe in God but Chinese Believe in Gold”
Islam in Comparison to Christianity
Christian Churches
Accounts of Religious Seekers
Religion: Implications
8 Romance, Love, Marriage, and Families: A Chinese Barack Obama?
“African Chinese”
The Travails of Chinese-African Romantic Relationships
Accounts of Marriages
Conclusion: The Larger Significance of Africans in China
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