Head First Android Development

书名:Head First Android DevelopmentALearner'sGuidetoCreatingApplicationsforAndroidDevices
豆瓣评分: 8.0


With this digital Early Release edition of Head First Android Development, you get the entire book bundle in its earliest form – the author's raw and unedited content – so you can take advantage of this content long before the book's official release. You'll also receive updates when significant changes are made, as well as the final ebook version. Android devices are stealing market share from the iPhone with dramatic speed, and you have a killer app idea. Where to begin? Head First Android Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time with the Android SDK and Eclipse plug-in. You'll learn how to design for devices with a variety of different screen sizes and resolutions, along with mastering core programming and design principles that will make your app stand out. Whether you're a seasoned iPhone developer who wants to jump into the the Android Market, or someone with previous programming skills but no mobile apps in your resume, this book offers a complete learning experience for creating eye-catching, top-selling Android applications. You'll learn how to: Install the Android SDK and Eclipse plug-in and get started building apps Add buttons, edit text fields, and build your own navigation options in the Android menu Customize the look of your app with theming and adding image resources Use Android's content provider mechanism to add images and contact information to an app, and establish permissions for their use Work with the Android devices' camera, GPS, and accelerometer Experiment with different Android emulator configurations to simulate different devices with a variety of screen sizes Optimize, test, and distribute your application in the Android Market We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Android Development uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.


Jonathan Simon

Jonathan Simon is a developer and interaction designer who loves to make great apps for people to use—and loves to help other people make them, too. He’s worked on a dizzying array of platforms and customers, from trading systems built in Java/Swing for JPMorganChase and Merrill Lynch, to collaborative websites built in Ruby on Rails, and now, mobile. Jonathan is a longtime veteran of the mobile space, developing J2ME mobile apps all the way back when the Motorola RAZR was the phone everyone had to have. Since then, he’s developed mobile apps for Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry. Jonathan is currently a senior engineer at AllTrails, a Yelp for the outdoors.


@ [已注销] Head First 这个系列的书看过不少,总的来说,不适合阅读。不过也许它能够把某个概念讲解得很透彻呢?翻一遍才放心 @ [已注销] Android入门啦啦啦啦 @ 米迦勒雏菊 内容太浅了,不过有些东西解释得还可以。这本书还没出版就被砍掉了,应该是跟不上android的脚步 @ 渡上飞草 做毕设的参考,我觉得挺好的。就是翻译有点怪怪的。 @ 真心懒 Head First死忠粉又来作了,不过Android现在当真没啥好的入门书籍,技术变更太快~若一定要说一本,觉得The Big Nerd Ranch Guide还是比这本要全一些~ @ longbo567 作为入门教材, 打基础, 认识原理, 没有比这个更好的。有2017年出版的2nd edittion。适合新版的android。 @ 渡上飞草 做毕设的参考,我觉得挺好的。就是翻译有点怪怪的。 @ 姚尔摩斯 安卓课没上期末要交个软件临时看这本书看了2天做了个程序。我觉得讲的挺不错的。不一定非要找最合适那本。种一棵树最好是当下嘛 @ 真心懒 Head First死忠粉又来作了,不过Android现在当真没啥好的入门书籍,技术变更太快~若一定要说一本,觉得The Big Nerd Ranch Guide还是比这本要全一些~ @ 戴阳明 英文原版,循序渐进,仔细剖析,虽然有不少低级拼写错误,但是都能很快看出来,不影响理解,对于没有接触过Android的人来说,是很好的入门书。


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