The Snowball

书名:The SnowballWarrenBuffettandtheBusinessofLife
豆瓣评分: 8.2


Shortlisted for the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Prize 2008 The Snowball is the first and will be the only biography of the world's richest man, Warren Buffett, written with his full cooperation and collaboration. Combining a unique blend of "The Sage of Omaha's" business savvy, life story and philosophy, The Snowball is essential reading for anyone wishing to discover and replicate the secrets of his business and life success. Warren Buffett is arguably the world's greatest investor. Even as a child he was fascinated by the concept of risk and probability, setting up his first business at the age of six. In 1964 he bought struggling Massachusetts textile firm Berkshire Hathaway and grew it to be the 12th largest corporation in the US purely through the exercise of sound investing principles – a feat never equalled in the annals of business. Despite an estimated net worth of around US$62 billion, Buffett leads an intriguingly frugal life taking home a salary of only GBP50,000 a year. His only indulgence is a private jet, an extravagance he wryly acknowledges by calling it "The Indefensible".In 2006, he made the largest charitable donation on record, with most of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Snowball provides a comprehensive, richly detailed insight one of the world's most extraordinary and much loved public figures.


艾丽斯·施罗德,曾任摩根士丹利的董事总经理,因撰写伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的研究报告而与巴菲特结识,而巴菲特也因为赏识她的洞察力、和掌握主题的能力,授权施罗德撰写他的人生故事。为了撰写本书,施罗德用了5年时间,跟巴菲特交谈了2000个小时,采访了他的250位朋友、家人和同事,翻阅了巴菲特从未披露的无数私人信件和档案。 施罗德生于德州,在得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得学士及MBA学位。拥有会计师执照,目前与丈夫居住在康涅狄格州。


@ MOOYeung 03.21.BJ.买 @ 小虎娘 英文版甚好,光彩如在眼前。 @ 狂奔的花卷儿 really personal.以及成功地让我相信了“天才的成功不可复制”=.= 读了两年,终于读完,和巴菲特的人生观世界观竟然99%一致啊……大概能有他1%财富就不得了了 @ 瑚琏大侠 作者文笔还可以,只是这种行文风格写传记可能欠妥。。。 @ 瑚琏大侠 really personal.以及成功地让我相信了“天才的成功不可复制”=.= 读了两年,终于读完,和巴菲特的人生观世界观竟然99%一致啊……大概能有他1%财富就不得了了 @ wltan 每周的英语读书会都看这本书,读到巴菲特工作之后就没读完了。 @ 小虎娘 英文版甚好,光彩如在眼前。 @ 大雷 看过之后,第一偶像的地位进一步巩固~~你要活到我去见你哈~~


  • One was if interest rates fell and remained below historic level.The second was if the share of the economy that went to inverstors, as opposed to employees and government and other things, rose above its already historically high level.Or, the economy could start growing faster than normal.
    —— 引自章节:1-2
  • "Spend less than you make.""Don't go into debt.""to respond to calamity with teeth-gritted optimism""The big question about how people behave is whether they've got an Inner Scorecard or an Outer Scorecard. It helps if you can be satisfied with an Inner Scorecard.""In teaching your kids, I think the lesson they're learning at a very, very early age is what their parents put the emphasis on.""He(Warren's dad) was really a maverick. But he wasn't a maverick for the sake of being a maverick. He just didn't care what other people thought. My dad taught me how life should be lived."
    —— 引自章节:3-6章
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