书名:The Privileged PoorHowEliteCollegesAreFailingDisadvantagedStudents
豆瓣评分: 7.7
Getting in is only half the battle. The Privileged Poor reveals how―and why―disadvantaged students struggle at elite colleges, and explains what schools can do differently if these students are to thrive. The Ivy League looks different than it used to. College presidents and deans of admission have opened their doors―and their coffers―to support a more diverse student body. But is it enough just to admit these students? In The Privileged Poor, Anthony Jack reveals that the struggles of less privileged students continue long after they’ve arrived on campus. Admission, they quickly learn, is not the same as acceptance. This bracing and necessary book documents how university policies and cultures can exacerbate preexisting inequalities and reveals why these policies hit some students harder than others. Despite their lofty aspirations, top colleges hedge their bets by recruiting their new diversity largely from the same old sources, admitting scores of lower-income black, Latino, and white undergraduates from elite private high schools like Exeter and Andover. These students approach campus life very differently from students who attended local, and typically troubled, public high schools and are often left to flounder on their own. Drawing on interviews with dozens of undergraduates at one of America’s most famous colleges and on his own experiences as one of the privileged poor, Jack describes the lives poor students bring with them and shows how powerfully background affects their chances of success. If we truly want our top colleges to be engines of opportunity, university policies and campus cultures will have to change. Jack provides concrete advice to help schools reduce these hidden disadvantages―advice we cannot afford to ignore.
Anthony Abraham Jack, a native of Miami, received a scholarship to attend Gulliver Preparatory School, an elite private high school in South Florida. He went on to receive degrees from Amherst College and Harvard University. He is currently a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and the Shutzer Assistant Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.
@ Shulamite 作者是穷学生出身,成为学者之后研究穷学生怎样能更好适应精英大学的生活,以求让更多的穷学生像他一样成功实现阶级跃迁,真的很empowering。本书很好读,作者很有逻辑地把学生的testimony串起来了。"Access is not inclusion"。第三章真是令人震惊,鼓励穷学生做宿舍清洁工来赚钱这种政策太智障了,还好有作者这种学者让弱势群体得以发声,就这点就值得力荐。本书结论不是鼓励更多穷学生读私校成为privileged poor,而是鼓励更多公校能赋权。最后的attachments也很有意思,作者留白了很多值得研究的地方,比如亚裔完全不在研究样本里。从社达社会出来的学生的cultural shock和美国穷学生居然是差不多的,比如我看到office hours那一点感到很有共鸣。 @ 子扉我[已注销] 论文看多了不是很习惯这种目录结构了,标题上直接引用了participator的话,是吸引人的,但是看不出学术脉络会感到无所适从。以不平等视角进入精英大学,探讨穷人困境的研究可谓卷帙浩繁,the Poor的心酸艰难基本上都能想象得到。这本比较有创新的地方在于,按照高中学校的定位和与大学接轨的程度从中划分出了两个类别:PP(Privileged Poor)和DD(Doubly Disadvantage),甚至Uni也在官方话语中承认并使用这两个概念。访谈对象很完备,学生、管理者和教授都涉及到,看到DD对于Office hour的畏惧特别有共鸣,可能直到现在我都还是觉得那是一种打扰,心理负担很重。看完学校的勤工助学项目、带有歧视的文化援助项目、春假餐厅关门实在是大跌眼镜,震惊。
Introduction: Can Poor Students Be Privileged?
1. “Come with Me to Italy!”
2. “Can You Sign Your Book for Me?”
3. “I, Too, Am Hungry”
Conclusion: Beyond Access
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