The Little MLer

书名:The Little MLer
豆瓣评分: 8.7


The book, written in the style of The Little Schemer, introduces instructors, students, and practicioners to type-directed functional programming. It covers basic types, quickly moves into datatypes, and ends with a coverage of functional programming with modules. The book uses a minimal core of SML, which can easily be translated into the various ML dialects (SML/NJ, CAML). Enjoy!


from Matthias Felleisen's Homepage


i-con-o-clast n. 1. One who destroys sacred images. 2. One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions. The American Heritage Dictionary Wordsmith

An Element of Style Make definite assertions. Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, non-committal language. Rule 12, William Strunk, Jr.

Q: What is the shortest lie in computing? A: It works.

On Programming: A bad day writing code in Scheme is better than a good day writing code in C. David Stigant

More on Programming: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. John F. Woods

Yet more on Programming: Programming is just another name for the lost art of thinking. Arctic Fidelity aka Aaron Hsu

On Teaching Programming: Wir sind froh, dass die Absolventen schon Java können. Programmieren müssen wir denen halt noch beibringen. overheard in a German firm, via Mike Sperber

More on Teaching Programming: You cannot teach beginners top-down programming, because they don't know which end is up. C. A. R. Hoare

On Mutation: Assignment leads to mutation. Mutation leads to pointers. Pointers lead to suffering! Anton van Straaten

On Research: I'm talking about a specific, extra type of integrity that is not lying, but bending over backwards to show that you're maybe wrong, that you ought to have when acting as a scientist. And this is our responsibility as scientists, certainly to other scientists, and I think to laymen. Richard P. Feynman, "Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman"


@ 歇斯底你 他的书基本是很小的子集,却讲出了语言的很多精髓,从学习上按说应该比较省力,但是内容涵盖多、技巧很强,所以一般比较烧脑,这两种特色同时出现,让我不知该把他的书定位成适合初学者呢,还是适合有基础后提纲挈领。另外一个特点是,苏格拉底式的启发对话教学,通过演绎的形式展开知识教授,最好全程动脑、动手,语言的演化过程都展现出来了,可以真正内化这些知识。学到很多,signature那里几段文字就让我理解了,之前上课看数学式的推到总感觉很困难。难度比The little schemer低。 @ Kitorinix 他的书基本是很小的子集,却讲出了语言的很多精髓,从学习上按说应该比较省力,但是内容涵盖多、技巧很强,所以一般比较烧脑,这两种特色同时出现,让我不知该把他的书定位成适合初学者呢,还是适合有基础后提纲挈领。另外一个特点是,苏格拉底式的启发对话教学,通过演绎的形式展开知识教授,最好全程动脑、动手,语言的演化过程都展现出来了,可以真正内化这些知识。学到很多,signature那里几段文字就让我理解了,之前上课看数学式的推到总感觉很困难。难度比The little schemer低。 @ 茶壶 本书大体沿用了TLS的内容来教授ADT和模式匹配,相比较TSS则浅了点,但依然五星推荐。 @ Duke 内容不是特别多 ML实际上真就是各种pattern matching + record + module… @ 买个包儿 作者是scheme死忠粉,ML当scheme用。? 作者另外一本书里是Java当scheme耍。 @ 歇斯底你 ML基础。


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