The Humane Interface

书名:The Humane InterfaceNewDirectionsforDesigningInteractiveSystems
豆瓣评分: 7.3


The honeymoon with digital technology is over: millions of users are tired of having to learn huge, arcane programs to perform the simplest tasks; fatigued by the pressure of constant upgrades, and have had enough of system crashes. In The Humane Interface, Jef Raskin — the legendary, controversial creator of the original Apple Macintosh project — shows that there is another path. Raskin explains why today's interface techniques lead straight to a dead end, and offers breakthrough ideas for building systems users will understand — and love. Raskin reveals the fundamental design failures at the root of the problems so many users experience; shows how to understand user interfaces scientifically and quantitatively; and introduces fundamental principles that should underlie any next-generation user interface. He introduces practical techniques designers can use to improve their productivity of any product with an information-oriented human-machine interface, from personal computers to Internet appliances and beyond. The book presents breakthrough solutions for navigation, error management, and more, with detailed case studies from Raskin's own work. For all interface design programmers, product designers, software developers, IT managers, and corporate managers.


Jef Raskin是一名用户界面和系统设计的顾问,居住在加州的帕西菲卡,其咨询客户包括惠普、IBM、Motorola、NCR、Xerox、Ricoh、Canon、Mckesson和AT&T等公司。Jef Raskin的文章发表在Wired、Quantum、IEEE Computer和Communications of Acm等40多种期刊上。他因发明了Apple公司的Macintosh和Canon公司的Cat而声名远扬,被誉为“Macintosh之父”(详见网站。


@ 拜大五郎 语句太累赘了 @ bemyself too much focus on human-computer interface design @ insyncim 中文版 @ 虾然蛙然 前五章还行,基本观点还可用。章六和章七基本算凑数的博士论文,其中许多理论和观点都过时了,完全不考虑可行性。 @ Charlsy OS level 的 critique 仍不过时,但毕竟 pre-mobile 时代很多界面和交互的设想还是有点老旧。文笔还行,但内容使然有时候读起来还是很干(like a manual)。 @ Charlsy OS level 的 critique 仍不过时,但毕竟 pre-mobile 时代很多界面和交互的设想还是有点老旧。文笔还行,但内容使然有时候读起来还是很干(like a manual)。 @ 虾然蛙然 前五章还行,基本观点还可用。章六和章七基本算凑数的博士论文,其中许多理论和观点都过时了,完全不考虑可行性。 @ insyncim 中文版 @ 拜大五郎 语句太累赘了 @ bemyself too much focus on human-computer interface design


  • A computer shall not waste your time or require you to do more work than is strictly necessary.
    —— 引自第5页
  • See what I mean? A voice-controlled system may have no windows but neither do telephone voice-response systems ("press 6 if you hate voice mail," and so on), and they have hellishly bad interfaces. Just because it isn't a Mac or doesn't have Windows does not mean it has no "interface." The way you accomplish tasks with a product, what you do and how it responds – that's the interface.
    —— 引自第2页
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