Algorithmic Puzzles
While many think of algorithms as specific to computer science, at its core algorithmic thinking is defined by the use of analytical logic to solve problems. This logic extends far beyond the re...
While many think of algorithms as specific to computer science, at its core algorithmic thinking is defined by the use of analytical logic to solve problems. This logic extends far beyond the re...
Increasingly, designers need to present information in ways that aid their audiences thinking process. Fortunately, results from the relatively new science of human visual perception provide val...
This book introduces design thinking, the collaborative process by which the designer’s sensibilities and methods are employed to match people’s needs with what is technically feasible and a via...
As the world deals with increasing complexity -- in issues of sustainability, finance, culture and technology -- business and governments are searching for a form of problem solving that can dea...
书名:User Story MappingDiscovertheWholeStory,BuildtheRightProduct 作者:JeffPatton 译者: ISBN:9781491904909 出版社:O'ReillyMe […]
"Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python" is designed to give a jump-start to programmers, job hunters and those who are appearing for exams. All the code in this book are ...
The process of solving large problems by breaking them down into smaller, more simple problems that have identical forms. Thinking Recursively: A small text to solve large problems. Concentratin...
The gap between theoretical ideas and messy reality, as seen in Neal Stephenson, Adam Smith, and Star Trek. We depend on—we believe in—algorithms to help us get a ride, choose which book to b...
本书内容主要是对《On Java 中文版 基础卷》的拓展延伸,重点讲解Java的高级特性、并发、设计模式等相关进阶知识,对一些和开发密切相关的底层操作(如I/O系统、底层并发、数据压缩等)进行深入探讨,同时针对基础卷的重点章节进行了补充说明(如第3章增补了一些关于集合的高级特性)。在附录中,作者给出了67条关于低级程序设计和编写代码的建议,并分享了自己成为程序员的一些经验之谈。 ...
本书是布鲁斯 • 埃克尔时隔 15 年,继 Thinking in Java 之后又一力作,基于 Java 的 3 个长期支持版(Java 8、11、17),讲解 Java 核心语法,并对 Java 的核心变化进行详述。全书内容通俗易懂,配合示例讲解逐步深入,并结合实际开发需要,从语言底层设计出发,有效帮读者规避一些常见的开发陷阱。 主体部分共 22 章,内容包含对象、操作符、控...