Better Than Before

书名:Better Than BeforeMasteringtheHabitsofOurEverydayLives
豆瓣评分: 7.9


Gretchen Rubin's answer: through habits. Habits are the invisible architecture of everyday life. It takes work to make a habit, but once that habit is set, we can harness the energy of habits to build happier, stronger, more productive lives. So if habits are a key to change, then what we really need to know is: How do we change our habits? Better than Before answers that question. It presents a practical, concrete framework to allow readers to understand their habits—and to change them for good. Infused with Rubin’s compelling voice, rigorous research, and easy humor, and packed with vivid stories of lives transformed, Better than Before explains the (sometimes counter-intuitive) core principles of habit formation. Along the way, Rubin uses herself as guinea pig, tests her theories on family and friends, and answers readers’ most pressing questions—oddly, questions that other writers and researchers tend to ignore: • Why do I find it tough to create a habit for something I love to do? • Sometimes I can change a habit overnight, and sometimes I can’t change a habit, no matter how hard I try. Why? • How quickly can I change a habit? • What can I do to make sure I stick to a new habit? • How can I help someone else change a habit? • Why can I keep habits that benefit others, but can’t make habits that are just for me? Whether readers want to get more sleep, stop checking their devices, maintain a healthy weight, or finish an important project, habits make change possible. Reading just a few chapters of Better Than Before will make readers eager to start work on their own habits—even before they’ve finished the book.


Gretchen Rubin is one of the most thought-provoking and influential writers on the linked subjec ts of habits, happiness, and human nature. She’s the author of many books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers, Happier at Home and The Happiness Project. Rubin has an enormous following, in print and online; her books have sold more than a million copies worldwide, in more than thirty languages, and on her popular daily blog,, she reports on her adventures in pursuit of habits and happiness. Rubin started her career in law, and was clerking for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor when she realized she wanted to be a writer. She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.


@ 许三 今天看(读)完了,我的第二本英文原著,记得是2020年刚到来时开始看的,因为想给一个自己better than before 的开始哈哈,内容很多,我觉得也有重复的地方,还有不少作者自己的故事,总觉得不是那么客观,所以真的想要达到作者的说的utopia,需要自己根据自己的tendency好好规划,认识自己性格,培养适合自己的习惯。书中,让我真正感受到作者的认真是在她坚持了好几个月meditation之后,但是发现对自己产生作用不大,最后果断放弃了。呀我什么时候能这么明确的做一个理性的方式的选择呢。书对我来说还是有一些用处的,至少我在家时这本书帮助我保持了一些在工作中才有的习惯!另外,今天不知道为什么有些焦虑,想借此表达一下,2020继续加油吧! @ Nova 更像是作者自己在絮絮叨叨,比较细碎,不如 Atomic Habits~ @ natsukokk 看完突然想live a frugal life。。 @ 五月更生 #DNF 看到一半实在觉得有用的内容太少了,弃啦。后面的一切都不如开头的 four tendencies 有启发,但作者列出了四种人却在后文中对其中之一的 Rebels 基本处于放弃状态,也是…很没有帮助。 @ 穿堂风 跟他一起开车时候听完的,听一会还要停下来自我反省一下。最近有一起在摸索实践如何设置cue,如何扫除/设置障碍,能无需毅力达成更好的习惯。譬如,发完这条要把手机放到离床很远的地方,就不会起床先刷会手机了。?


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