User Centered System Design
This comprehensive volume is the product of an intensive collaborative effort among researchers across the United States, Europe and Japan. The result -- a change in the way we think of humans a...
This comprehensive volume is the product of an intensive collaborative effort among researchers across the United States, Europe and Japan. The result -- a change in the way we think of humans a...
书名:The Design Process (2nd Edition) 作者:KarlAspelund 译者: ISBN:9781563678721 出版社:FairchildPubns 出版时间:2010-03-24 格式:epub/mo […]
本书是一本讲解PHP程序员面试笔试算法真题的书籍,以PHP为实现语言,除了讲解如何解答算法问题外,还引入了实例辅以说明,让读者能够更好地理解。 本书将程序员面试笔试过程中各类算法真题一网打尽。在题目的广度上,本书收集了近三年来几乎所有IT企业面试笔试算法高频题目(包括智力题、排序、数组、栈、队列、字符串、二叉树、大数据、基础数学知识等),所选择题目均为企业招聘使用题目,这些企业涉...
First, businesses discovered quality as a key competitive edge; next came science. Now, Donald A. Norman, former Director of the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of California, ...
书名:Data Structures and AlgorithmsUsingPythonandC++ 作者:DavidM.Reed/JohnZelle 译者: ISBN:9781590282335 出版社:FranklinBeedle&am […]
书名:Branded InteractionsCreatingtheDigitalExperience 作者: 译者: ISBN:9780500518175 出版社:Thames&Hudson 出版时间:2015-10-6 格式:e […]
书名:Learning Functional Data Structures and Algorithms 作者:AtulKhot 译者: ISBN:9781785888731 出版社:PacktPublishing-ebooksAccou […]
书名:绝佳体验迪士尼打造卓越服务的五大原则 作者:布鲁斯·莱夫勒(BruceLoeffler)/布赖恩·T.丘奇(BrianT.Church) 译者:高尚平 ISBN:9787508689357 出版社:中信出版社 出版时间:2018-8- […]
书名:Information Design WorkbookGraphicapproaches,solutions,andinspiration+30casestudies 作者:KimBaer 译者: ISBN:9781592536276 […]