Hedge Fund Market Wizards
"Five Market Wizard Lessons" by Jack Schwager, author of Hedge Fund Market Wizards Hedge Fund Market Wizards is ultimately a search for insights to be drawn from the most successful...
"Five Market Wizard Lessons" by Jack Schwager, author of Hedge Fund Market Wizards Hedge Fund Market Wizards is ultimately a search for insights to be drawn from the most successful...
《期货交易技术分析(修订版)》作者Jack.Schwager是美国期货界技术分析派重要的代表人物之一,他提出的理论与方法受到越来越多的业内人士推崇。 《期货交易技术分析(修订版)》共分五篇二十四章,全面阐述了期货交易中的图表分析方法与策略,以通俗易懂的语言描绘了期货技术分析中的重要原理和技巧,如止损点的选择、目标设置及退出原则、蜡烛图技术、振荡指标、交易绩效的测量等内容。 ...
Praise for THE NEW MARKET WIZARDS "Jack Schwager simply writes the best books about trading I've ever read. These interviews always give me a lot to think about. If you li...
A bestselling classic (more than 200,000 copies sold in hardcover and paperback) that delves into the minds of some of the world's most successful traders.