Richer, Wiser, Happier
From a renowned financial journalist who has written for Time, Fortune, Forbes, and The New Yorker, a fresh and unexpectedly profound book that draws on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews...
From a renowned financial journalist who has written for Time, Fortune, Forbes, and The New Yorker, a fresh and unexpectedly profound book that draws on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews...
内容简介 本书教您让你更有钱的6个方法,致富就从现在开始: 方法1:学习富人的生活态度 为什么别人投资总是赚钱,我却总是赔钱,原来有钱人想的和你不一样! 方法2:建立一个会赚钱的家计簿 想要赚钱,先得了解自己的金钱收入与支出状况,然后才能有计划的理财赚钱。 方法3:让钱为你卖力工作 一般人靠工作赚钱,有钱人靠钱在赚钱。 方法4:富人也可能...